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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Yeah I’m in Germany so my context is somewhere in between and here the projects that improve my life the most is when cars don’t get to/need to travel on the streets as much, this can either be through modal filters, removing car lanes or just banning cars (with the usual delivery window in the morning and such). And they are starting to get to the kind of streets where you could go 100km/h (in terms of size) that are in practice 50km/h, and are now getting them down to 30 (taking 1 of 2 car lanes and giving it to bikes as well as adding obstacles to indicate slower speeds). So it’s doable and of course it takes time, but with a bit of luck it might be faster than some Americans imagine it could be.

    So of course bike lanes along mayor roads (corridors) make sense, and it can be a good starting point to get a skeleton network in place, which then can Kickstart intersection redesigns and traffic calming, wherever it’s reasonable around it. To me the best bike paths don’t go along roads though, they are the “recreational” paths that still connect things. Cutting through a patch of Forrest or a park, going along the waterfront, parallel to a tramway or rail corridor or just along/through the fields. These are probably also politically cheaper than some other measures, but you run the risk of building a thing that just connects nothing because there is no real infrastructure on either end.

    I feel like Americans think they are 60+ years behind when they are probably only 30-40, if the attitude turns somewhat sharply, either just in your local area or more generally, maybe just 15-25.

    A lot of this stuff is monetarily very cheap, depending on how desperately you wanted change the actual infrastructure you’d need, would boil down to planters, bollards, cones, maybe hay bails or large stones/concrete pieces. The problem with that stuff is that it’s only possible with the right opportunity politically, otherwise your traffic calming might get bulldozed by police or something.

  • I sorta agree and sorta don’t, all streets should be 30km/h or less and shared traffic, everything else should be with bike lanes. Streets meaning a piece of infrastructure that provides access to places lining it, not a piece of infrastructure for longer distance travel.

    The Netherlands is good not because there is a bike lane on every street but because all the streets with destinations (private homes, business, schools)are connected by bike lanes as well as roads, often more and more direct bike lanes.

    There are a lot of areas where cars bikes and sometimes pedestrians share the same space both in inner cities and in residential neighborhoods, it’s just that they aren’t through roads for cars or at least very very slow ones, while they are often through roads for bikes and peds.

  • So I mostly fried the SSD by using it to write and rewrite ML checkpoints and logs, this in turn made the device read only and I somehow managed to migrate to a different SSD probably using clonezilla or something, but it messed up the bootloader so I installed refind in a new partition, configured it and voila it works. It’s scary because you need to do everything without seeing your system even half alive anywhere along the process, but it’s not actually hard, just copying data and installing/configuring a bootloader. But for a then 20year old at his more or less first job my head was on fire for the 1.5 days this took.

    By far the most difficult single thing that I’ve ever had to fix that actually had to do with the system.

    I now don’t flood my SSDs with data that is constantly rewritten.

  • Because they don’t have a perfectly fine business model. They get squeezed hard by both the oligarchs of music publishing UMG, Sony Warner who negotiate the price for the music. And from the other side by the tech giants google and apple who can cross service subsidize their own streaming.There exists essentially no space for them to make any profit in streaming music. So they have to go other places.

    The only reason they’ll probably exist for the foreseeable future is because the rights holders are able to use Spotify to have more negotiating power against Google and apple.

  • Brother have you heard of both young people, and the concept of ‘having a future’, death might be inevitable, it’s still better to think about and implement things to quell the suffering, as well as to continue living with hope than to revel in the fact that we’re all dying.

    Hope isn’t at the bottom of the box of Pandora without reason, it’s both, condemning us to strive and suffer, and the only way to make anything of it.

  • I listened to the entire and it struck a chord with me, it might be because I’m similarly petite bourgeois as the authors or something. But if you couldn’t get through it I might suggest softly that you read chapter 4 first (or only).

    To me the order the book has it in makes sense, but it might be the wrong one for you. It explains the What for 3/4 and then carefully answers the Why with a short story in the last 1/4. It is essentially a manifesto with a reason to believe in it as the last part.

    For me the reason it worked is because the walk through philosophy and history sufficiently grounded the authors claims toward the necessity of economic planning and rewilding and in combination with my prior beliefs made the utopia real.

    The problem that unfortunately remains with this book is how we get there, but to me it seems reasonable to leave that part out for this book, not just because of the violence and messiness, but also because it seems like the much harder part to coherently write as well.

    Edit: I’ve played one round of the game and it’s fun, perhaps a bit easy after knowing the content of the book.

  • First off as I already said I’m obviously also just some guy on the Internet, who might know less about things than it sound like. But when I say liberalism is destructive what I mean is that the ideology proposes systems of representative democracy, free markets and nation states, systems which are fundamentally not equipped for many of the problems the world is facing. Obviously a big motivator here is climate change, but even if you think there is a path within those systems to solve that, there is a nuclear and general arms stockpile that is currently still growing, there is exploration and alienation of the wage worker in the modern world and so on and so on. And I just cannot see a reasonable path until we collectively move on from liberalism.

    That’s why from some point of view I find mindlessly regurgitating Chinese propaganda, more acceptable than mindlessly regurgitating cnn or whatever, it’s mostly just down to me having read the liberal side so often I got tired of it, with the CCP side there’s at least ideologically interesting content there, it’s just mixed with( post )empire nationalism, Chinese exceptioalism and whatever. So obviously a nation state obsessed with whatever the CCP is obsessed with is bad, but it’s trapped in the same destructive system as a country that other countries make their ideolical foundation. All of them are bad, which makes ranking them just sort of stupid unless you are trying to honestly understand the differences or relationships off these countries.

    Also systems and people change over time so pinning a people down for the systematic destruction they cause is a difficult thing to do both practically and ideologically, looking at denazification and errinerungskultur, of post ww2 Germany shows this fairly obviously.

    Every people will have an uncomfortable time and a difficult discussion about their commited destruction at some point I hope, especially I Believe the West owes this debt to the global south, but there are countless instances of this debt around the world, weather it’s Armenians, Palestinians, Roma, Tibet, Bosnia, Uighur, Natives of the Americas, Religious minorities… but it’s hard to force this realization.

    TLDR: Yeah everyone in the West has eaten tons of anti China bullshit,

    China Bad. China hates brown people

    Is obviously too reductive for what is a very complicated and deeply connected world, even taking the UNs stance and looking at it gives us just a single additional data point, because while it is a conceptually deeply radical organization, it also has it’s own biases. This is true for almost everything you can think of because everything is touched by politics in some way.

    Generally trying to learn more philosophy has helped put a lot of this chaos of ideology into perspective. So read or watch something about that, and let new or foreign things in to the point where you feel an understanding about wether you can accept (parts) of it or discard (parts) of it. Thank you for the reply and if you’re as terminally online as me I can certainly collect a few YouTube channels I’d recommend.

  • First off

    and you better believe that the comments going against their narrative are getting deleted on their instance

    Is just a baseless accusation at this point.

    Secondly if

    Users from instances like hexbear, lemmygrad, exploding heads etc. seem to have some things in common: -Brigading -Trolling -Spreading misinformation/lies about genocides, wars, etc. -Demanding to be heard because of free speech and “tolerance” -When they face resistance, they get aggressive

    were reported so often it’d be untenable the admins here would probably be more up in arms about it. Seeing as they are seeking open discussion about this issue, I’d defer to them in the assessment that the issue with comments of this kind is with individuals and not one of the instance.

    Generally Propaganda is pretty much everywhere and everyone also is regurgitating some version of it, you or other liberal users will spew liberal propaganda, leftist will spew leftist propaganda, the Russian state spews Kremlin Propaganda, conservative Christians will spew conservative propaganda. You have it quite right in how that process happens.

    But firstly, you me and everyone, can learn to recognize types of propaganda, and decide which propaganda to accept, and which to reject. Many people here are probably quite adept at this already, but I think the ones that look at the hexbar front page and see a united front of foreign propaganda have likely accepted a certain type of liberal propaganda, and reject much everything else as propaganda, and as such are not properly equipped for a more honest understanding about what the users there are saying.

    To that point, I’m obviously spewing leftist propaganda by defending hexbear, but my argument can still be good, and you should be able to accept or reject it despite your biases, by trying to understand it.

    And secondly ( and this is roughly following the admins thoughts as well ) liberalism it’s propaganda and followers are very common and in my view extremely destructive, sure not as destructive as conservatism or fascism would likely be, but definitely destructive enough to reject it in favor of leftist(communist, anarchist, socialist) ideology instead.

    The large majority of (newer) lemmy users likely grew up under liberalism and so surrounded by it’s propaganda to accept it at least partially. This includes me, but throughout my life I’ve learned to reject a lot of liberal propaganda and accept different propaganda instead, because even though liberalism is so common it tends to explain and predict things less accurately and less completely, than socialist or anarchist theory does at least as far as I can see.