• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • If they know these people are active criminals they will have no problem citing just cause for arrest and search.

    I live in Canada, our gun rules are different than the USA. This week in my city some charges against a dangerous criminal were dropped because the police had a “flagrant disregard for charter rights” (according to the judge) (oir charter rights are similar to American civil rights)

    They searched him improperly, and found a loaded, illegal gun. Charges dismissed. If they had handled it properly they could have made the charges stick. What a waste of everyone’s time. Police didn’t respect his rights because they don’t respect my rights.

  • As a man, I think it’s the sort of experience that men struggle to understand because of patriarchal dynamics.

    What I mean is: if a doctor were to:

    • ask me if I have considered other forms of birth control
    • and then explain all the different birth control methods to make sure I actually understand,
    • ask if I’ve talked about the decision with my wife,
    • and then explain that a general impression of her opinion isn’t the same thing as sitting down together and reviewing all the data,
    • ask if understand how the surgery will affect my body
    • and then explain the hormonal changes my body would go through
    • etc

    before agreeing to schedule a vasectomy.

    Interpretting these questions through the lens of my lived experience:

    These are thorough but pragmatic questions. The doctor is trying to make sure I understand all the options. The doctor is a peer with special expertise and wants to make sure that I understand all the risks.

    But women too often grow up in an environment which tells them:

    • Women should trust the men in their lives too make the best decisions for them.
    • That having children is the most important thing they can do in the world.
    • A woman’s value is proportional to her utility as a wife and mother.
    • Women that have sex for fun are disgusting sluts.

    So when they get asked a barrage of questions identical to the ones I’dve been asked, they experience them very differently. Women are not irrational to hear the exact same questions very differently if they are interpreting them through the lens of their experiences. Maybe they experience those questions as:

    • “Why don’t you just stop having so much sec you slut?”
    • “Don’t you know how to have sex with out getting pregnant you dumb bitch?”
    • “Do you have your husband’s permission?”
    • “Does your husband know you’re a slut?”
    • “Do you understand that you will be destroying your value to society if you don’t have kids?”
    • “Do you understand that you will become any even crazier bitch after this?”

    And too often, the doctor really does mean that.

    Edit to add: I’d value other people’s takes too.

  • I understand your anger and agree that anti-vaxxers are stupid. I believe public health education should be part of the school system.

    I also agree that it’s responsible for a society to impose reasonable restrictions on members that endanger it.

    I think people do have an ethical obligation to take reasonable precautions avoid potentially exposing others to pathogens. Vaccination is an example of reasonable precaution. People have the right to bodily autonomy, do not vaccinate them against their wishes.

    I do not support the firing of workers for refusing vaccinations if they can do their job remotely. People shouldn’t have to decide between their religious beliefs and employment if their employment doesn’t bring them into contact with others. (Imo anti-vaxx is essentially a religion, this may say more about my beliefs regarding religion than about anti-vaxx sentiment).

    By all means exclude the unvaccinated from places where they can be reasonably understood to endanger the public, or others that have a similar right to be there.

  • they aren’t just going to out themselves as pedophiles

    Of course not, that’s why I asked if you had evidence.

    The US hosts more CSAM than any other country in the world

    I think it might be more accurate to say that the US has detected more CSAM within its borders than any other nation.

    Also, I reckon that the US also has more web hosting generally than any other country in the world (36% of global webhosting).

    I think what you’re perceiving as reluctance to prosecute Jared Fogle is actually reluctance to bungle a prosecution by being hasty. Just like many people are frustrated with how long it has taken for Donald Trump to see any consequences, it takes time to assemble evidence to form an airtight case.

    I think the fact that Epstein was able to kill himself while in jail is much more compelling evidence that there is at least one very powerful pedophile. But how can we figure out who it is? Do you have any specific evidence that would help with that?

  • (…) and would accomplish . . . what exactly?

    It would move China’s adversary further from its shores. Just like how America doesn’t like Cuba being right there, with its rival politico- economic system, China doesn’t like Taiwan being right there with its rival politico- economic system.

    China wants TSMC

    I agree that they want TSMC, but I think Taiwan’s semi conductor disablement plan has more to do with guaranteeing international support for Taiwan than reducing the incentives for Chinese annexation of Taiwan.

    What I mean is that Beijing can’t say to the world “this is an internal disagreement that doesn’t concern you” because if TSMC goes up in smoke the global economy is going to bottom out, it concerns everybody’s economy. The fact that Beijing can’t just seamlessly assume control of Taiwan means that the international community will not support that ambition. It’s like Real Politik, but with semiconductors.

    Ironically USA initiatives to protect itself from the vulnerability of Taiwan by (re?)patriating chip production will be bad for Taiwan’s security… if they ever actually manage to rival TSMC’s Taiwanese production. I say this because it will demote the conflict from one of global interest to just regional interest.

    But that’s all just my arm chair speculation, I don’t actually have any idea what I’m talking about.