trans AND foreigners? and who refers to the ocean other than woke environmentalists?
trans AND foreigners? and who refers to the ocean other than woke environmentalists?
crazy! like this is what rules were always for, or something! but then that’s insane; if that were true, the wealthy, the powerful, and their servants, would never be punished for violating them. so i guess it couldn’t be that.
it’s about the panopticon; getting you to do the censorship. building a better cop in your head.
letting libs like reddit admins read foucault was like letting silicon valley billionaires read ‘snow crash’.
honestly we’re all just shocked a whole 835 kilograms made it that far north. americans really like their cocaine. the most famous american beverage is fucking named after it’s precursor.
well yeah; corporations are people too. they’re the MOST people people. can’t be violent against them.
only minorities-ethnic, gender&sexual, religious, political, etc, aren’t people. it’s fine to post your smuttiest snuff fantasies about us.
now it’s just molesting the corpse. there are extra holes, we don’t know what it made them with and we don’t want to. anyone nearby can smell it. the body isn’t super recognizable, and reality is fighting off raccoons, vultures, etc. for it’s claim.
soon the splinters of bone will be ground down and made into a concrete fleshlight. reality will keep fucking it until heat death, or we do something about the situation.
true, but also, there’s a point that laws don’t really exist anymore. it’s just gang shit. the cops are the gang that want to kill you rather than make a profit off you. there is no legitimacy, there is no reason to respect or obey them, and in fact they will kill you if you do.
yeah, letting libs read any theory, even something as mild as foucault, was a fucking mistake.
none of what you listed is new
yes that’s exactly the point. two of these are from the 90s, one is from like 2001. old enough to have good credit and cheap car insurance. im making fun of the title.
morrowind isn’t really that weird
no, but it blew a lot of people’s minds so i put it on the list.
continues lots of the same themes
citation needed. not that I dislike it, it just feels like the name is tacked on to an otherwise lovely CRPG.
okay, yes, their lives really don’t matter, it’s just good for them too, and if they were rationally self interested they would want it.
I don’t even think he’d make it up.
one fun thing we can already see; they’re .gov addresses, so it’s clearly not OUTSIDE the government. this is officially a government action, if laws still existed, that would have all sorts of interesting implications for everyone involved.
they don’t, but, like, if they did.
don’t know enough about that part of history, I mostly know that the contenders for ‘last real christians’ were either the pre-munster anabaptists, or weirdo fanatics like john brown. it’s not about the killing; christians had been killing each other for a WHILE before that.
I keep saying this, but christianity ended at the siege of munster.
wanting that much money requires it.
having that much money also inflicts it on you.
no more billionaires. for their sake, as much as ours.
because they’re solipsists, they functionally do not, cognitively, live in our material reality, and when material reality effects them, they contrive a reason within their own fantasy world for it to have happened that works on, if not fails to contradict, the internal vibes based ‘logics’ of the fantasy. they’re effectively characters in a very very poorly written fantasy novel, and it’s very difficult to give a shit when the writing is so inept.
also they want to murder you, and maybe have the means to do it. also tends to undermine sympathy.
do you need a hug?
still counts, if it was filled with pureed fish guts.
oh shit, im actually out of protein powder. will it help me brain good? make dicks hard? give me the ability to levitate? is it made of cat litter and post-industrial fracking sand?
fascism is solipsistic. or aspirationally so, at least. to them it works. to them it matters.