That typo was on their end when I posted it. Link should be fixed now.
I’d prefer proxying
These are just patch notes for different Google services that they update throughout the month and not all of them require a system updates.
I’ve been wondering if it would be better to post the whole list here only at the end of the month? Or not to post it at all?
Not seeing paywall myself, clearing cookies and other site data might also help.
Settings > Appearance > Posts > Always Show Author
Not implemented yet.
I have no idea, I’m not a mod here and I don’t remember seeing that thread.
Modlog says: Rule 2 - use !askandroid for technical support please
Added it
I usually just turn it and the vibrations off for most games, those get annoying after a while imo. has 500kb image file size limit
Avast is virus itself
It was meant for testing one of their UI redesigns.
seems to still work
If it’s a success, you can probably say goodbye to getting any single player DLC like what happened with GTA Online.
Also, one thing that makes performance very bad is if you have a lot of subscribed communities is “Subscibed” box in front page and profile page, because it needs to get images for all of those.
Newer lemmy versions have the option to add a thumbnail url yourself when creating a post. It would be nice to have that also on Voyager.