• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Oh yeah that was a shitshow. I made a point to keep “master” in my repos and configurations because it’s the other meaning of master - one of the many others. Words are allowed to mean different things, ya know? If I’m drinking some coke I’m certainly not drugging myself (…I hope).

    After all, the command to attach to a master is not “git slave”, it’s “git pull”.

  • I’ve seen nothing in the requirements that say that the designated person has to be reachable. If I had to set a fediverse instance of something, I’d just set the mailer inbox to /dev/null or smth to save storage. Or just subject the corpos to the same treatment they subject normal citizens,

    Dear sender. Your request has been added to our queue for review - might not want a malintentioned party get through safety procedures, wouldn’t we? We know you understand us better than anyone. You may get a reply in a period from 48 to 72 days, our staff is very busy but we certainly have you in our hearts. God bless America, Heil Trump, and we’ll make the free software communists build the wall and pay for it! Cheers.

  • Oh no I do when it comes to that. The problem’s (usually) not there.

    The problem mostly lies with distro packagers. They often ignore the “this dependency is optional” part and make the dependency mandatory. Back in the day Fedora was terrible at packaging new stuff (trying to remove PulseAudio would also try to remove Libreoffice, for example), nowadays it seems it’s Debian’s turn at the horribad packaging wheel. So in order to “use an alternative”, which would actually be the exact same software I’m already using except correctly compiled and packaged, I’d have to jump distros.

    One notorious example is NetworkManager, which in Debian requires systemd for some weird-ass reason even tho you can run a correct Debian system without systemd. The Antix people compile it correctly, with systemd as optional / shim’d, but that means having to add Antix’s repo to Debian to use NetworkManager in Debian.