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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I can’t see a business reason why Apple would degrade image sending purposefully- it would drive its own users to get third party apps.

    Depends on what the majority of people are using.

    In markets where iPhone users are not in the majority, that’s exactly what’s happening: iPhone users are switching to third party apps.

    If iPhones users are in the majority, though, then people will just default to iMessage, and non-Apple phones get associated with poor messaging quality. Which creates social pressure for non-iPhone users to buy an iPhone.

    So it makes perfect business sense for Apple to degrade the messaging quality when a non-Apple phone joins the conversation.

  • It’s probably just a definition thing.

    To me, constructive criticism means that the criticism doesn’t just point out failure, but that it then also shows how to correct that failure.

    By itself, “you’re doing it wrong” is just destructive: it takes something apart, it destroys it. Without a subsequent “and here’s how you would do it right,” it doesn’t become constructive, it doesn’t help in putting things back together in the correct way.

    Sure, as a first step, “you’re doing it wrong” is completely justified when something is actually wrong.

    But without the second step - the constructive part - it just doesn’t constitute constructive criticism. By itself, it’s just criticism.

  • Most people will buy a computer, that computer will have Windows 11 on it, they’ll start using that computer and the pre-installed OS that came with it, and maybe, occasionally, they will complain that “this is different now” and that “they always change things, it’s so annoying” and that will be the end of it.

    If you’re talking about people who install or even just upgrade the OS on their computer by themselves, are aware of such a concept as “alternative operating systems,” engage in any kind of conversation about operating systems on social media, and then care enough about the topic to downvote people who disagree with them on purely ideological grounds, you’re already talking about a tiny, tiny minority of computer users.

  • I’ll tell you exactly how I’d feel about that, I’d feel that you shouldn’t kill innocent people from the countries that the terrorists hail from in response, because I’m not a shitty human being.

    “I think this shouldn’t be done” is a non-answer.

    You have avoided the main topic to try and make a point that is still unrelated to the topic at hand. We are not talking about helping Palestinians. I don’t know how you still don’t get it. You’re intentionally ignoring it and it is really starting to piss me off.

    You’re the one who has made exactly zero suggestions about how to stop Hamas.

    Have you lost even one single word about Hamas mass murdering civilians? Have you lost one single word about Hamas torturing people, beheading people, burning people alive?


    Why not?

    Is that just acceptable to you? Are you just a shitty human being?

    Or is that, to you, just something terrorists do, so we should ask, collectively, just shrug it off?

    If you genuinely think this, you’re insane.

  • So your tangible answers are:

    • Doing a better job at controlling their borders.
    • Partner with the dozens of countries you are allied with.

    That’s your answer of how a nation should respond to a terrorist attack that killed 1,400 civilians, where the attached committed the most inhumane, vile atrocities?

    Put yourself in the Israeli civilians’ shoes, say 1,400 of your fellow citizen - men, women, children, babies - have just been murdered by a terrorist organization that rules an adjacent territory in the most gruesome way: decapitated, shot, bludgeoned, burned to death. How would you feel about that?

    And how would you feel about it if then somebody told you "well, why don’t you just control the borders a little bit better and partner with your allies?’

  • You are asking a question that is totally unrelated to the topic.

    Because you wrote a post that was totally unrelated to my question, and totally unrelated to the entire conversation before it.

    The entire premise of the conversation was that Hamas might not even exist today if Israel had only chosen to help the Palestinians.

    If your entire reply to that topic can be summed up as “well, too late for that,” then I agree with you.

    I fail to see the point in trying to help them if you are actively blowing them up to stop a terrorist organization, you should do that before you do anything else, it’s literally a prerequisite.

    How do you feel that Israel should have reacted to the 10/7 attacks?

  • And the cause for the blockade before 2012 was that Hamas seized power in the Gaza strip, murdered its political opponents, and instituted a reign of terror where elections were suspended indefinitely, dissent was impossible, and Palestinian “collaborators” were abducted, tortured, and murdered.

    And the reason for the end of the ceasefire in 2014 was that Hamas abducted the teenagers, followed by Israel imprisoning 350 Palestinian militants, followed by Hamas launching rocket attacks against Israeli civilians from Gaza.

    That’s the problem, isn’t it - whatever any side does in this conflict, it’s easy to find justification for it if you only go back fast enough in history. There are more than 2000 years of history there, full of conflict between the various ethnic groups. If anyone wants to find justification for current atrocities, it’s always easy to point to atrocities previously committed by the other side.

    That said: do you really believe that Hamas wild simply cease its terrorism, its atrocities, its rocket attacks, kidnappings, torture, murder and simply decide to live in peace with Israel if the blockade were to be lifted tomorrow?

  • See, that’s the problem, though: you’re already presuming that people who don’t simply go along cheering facile, generic solutions like “why don’t the Israelis just help the Palestinians” - as if things were that easy and as if that thought just had never occurred to a single person in the past 70 years of murderous conflict - must be insincere.

    So for the record: no, I’m being sincere. Bombing innocent civilians in Gaza is very obviously objectionable, and indiscriminate bombing is a war crime.

    At the same time, I can acknowledge that Hamas is a terrorist organization which just committed the largest terrorist attack in the history of Israel, committing unspeakable atrocities and murdering hundreds and hundreds of civilians in Israel.

    So with that premise established: what would be some realistic ways for Israel to help Palestinians in a way that would make Hamas go away and end that particular threat for Israel. Because that’s the proposition: that the terrorist threat from Hamas could be ended if Israel only helped the Palestinians instead of bombing them, correct?