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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • This reminds me of my grandpa, who gave me my first pocket knife when I must have been 6 or 7. I was really into making bows and arrows out of twigs and branches I’d found in the yard, and he gave it to me simply as a tool for a hobby I’d formed. Everyone freaked out at first, but he taught me how to use a knife safely and I don’t think I ever cut myself (as a child anyways. I’m a reckless adult).

    If we stop teaching kids to be afraid of stuff because of what might happen, and instead teach them about how things work and the consequences of misusing them, I think we’d have less people afraid to use the stove in their 20s.

  • This then led to bluff glancing at the walls before betting.

    God, I love it when things like this start to develop when playing games with friends. Especially when it’s a newer player, or maybe even the quiet person that starts doing it - the first time you catch on to someone pulling a trick like this is the best possible feeling of, “you son of a bitch!”

  • Halo of course. I was skeptical until I played a demo, instantly bought in.

    That’s funny, I had this exact experience much more recently when Breath of the Wild was relatively new. I heard so many people raving about how good it was but I was never a huge Zelda guy. Went to Best Buy to window shop, they had a switch on display with BotW queued up. I don’t think I even got in to combat before I thought, “ok, this is something special, I need to give this time”. Still play it here and there when I’m bored of other games.

  • I’ll agree that if I tried playing Sly Cooper for the first time as a fully grown adult I probably wouldn’t enjoy it nearly as much. But kids definitely know a good game from a bad one, that’s why there’s games targeted to kids/ teens that sell well and others that don’t. Just because they didn’t grab the attention of 30 year old you doesn’t mean they weren’t great games, you just weren’t the target audience. That’s like someone who was 30 when SpongeBob came out saying that it was never that good.

    Out of curiosity, what games from that platform/ time do you consider good? Everyone’s coming at you for your (objectively wrong /s) opinions on these classics, surely there were some that you enjoyed.

  • Like others have said, any file can be dangerous. You need to be diligent in picking where your ROMs come from, if it’s a sketchy site don’t use it.

    That being said I’ve been doing similar activities since I was like 12 years old and have got a virus exactly once, and it was completely my fault for not listening to my gut (disregarded some red flags because I really wanted something to work.)

  • Yes, I find it sad when someone is driven to suicide. It’s weird, I know.

    I feel that a man who dresses up as a woman in their free time did not decide for himself that gay/trans people are evil. This man probably had been lying to himself and others about who he was for decades, living through self-hate and trying to convince himself that he was “normal” and not “one of those fags” and the like.

    Now that he’s accepted himself and thought that he was safe to express who he was in private online communities (obviously stupid for someone in his position), his whole world is coming down on him. Now everyone knows he’s “one of them”.

    I don’t know enough about the guy to comment with certainty on what harm he may have caused as mayor, if he actively made life harder for gay/ trans people then that’s really shitty of him. All I’m saying is, things don’t happen in a vacuum, and this guy is just as much a victim of hate and bigotry as anyone else who’s killed themselves over it.