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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Yeah, I hear you there. I usually get overwhelmed by the time I get to the “B” section.

    I think (looking back at your post) the most important thing that helped me was learning how to use docker-compose. All of my services are in docker containers and are much more manageable then trying to do a bare metal install.

    With that comes the struggle of security though, as docker containers use their own set of firewall rules distinct from the main firewall rules you might have setup on your server. If you end up using docker, do a few searches on how to secure those firewall rules for the containers themselves.

    I have definitely benefited from other peoples current set up lists, I’ll leave mine here in case it sparks some interesting directions for you.

    • Diun - notification service for when new images are released for any running docker apps I have up.

    • Immich - self-hosted photos backup. Incredible app, its extremely refined and feature complete.

    • Jellyfin ( image) - personal media streaming service. The version was much easier to set up than the stock jellyfin version.

    • Joplin server - self-hosted back end for Joplin notes sync. Much faster and more reliable than the 3rd party sync targets like one drive or Dropbox.

    • Mealie - recipe management.

    • Nextcloud - so many things. Calendar, files, kanban, contacts, etc… Personally I find Nextcloud’s documentation hard to follow, so I’ve linked the video tutorial I used to set mine up.

    • Nginx proxy manager - reverse proxy with basic protections built in. I’m on the fence on suggesting this one and have been considering switching to something else, as it rarely gets updates these days. It is the only one I’ve been able to wrap my head around though. Zoraxy, Traefic and Swag are all other options. You mentioned having Nginx set up already, so this might not even be an issue for you.

    • Paperless-NGX - document server and archive. All you need is the docker-compose.env and docker-compose.postgres.yml from the linked directory. Tweak the compose and env values as you see fit and remove the “postgres” from the file name before firing it up.

    • Portainer - basically just a GUI for viewing docker services. You can manage docker images and stacks with portainer, but I would recommend just learning the docker-compose method in general.

    If you ever run into instructions for setting something up with a regular docker command but want to convert it to a docker-compose.yml file instead, this site is super useful:

  • Definitely check DB Tech’s videos put on YouTube. He covers a ton of self-hosted apps and how to set them up. You’ll have to sift through a bit, not all the apps he talks about are really necessary, but I basically learned self-hosting through his channel.

    Look for stuff on authelia, crowdsec or fail2ban with regards security for your server and decide what direction you want to go there.

    Christian Lempa’s channel is also good, though can be more technically oriented.

    EDIT: also, this github repo has an amazing (though overwhelming) list if self-hosted services. Awesome Self-hosted.

    • Keep WiFi and Bluetooth turned off while you’re out in public.

    • If you have the ability to keep the phone connected to a guest network or VLAN on your home network while it still has stock android that is a bonus. Google scoops up data regarding the other devices on your network.

    • Use a privacy oriented DNS service like NextDNS to block all the google requests. They have a block list just for that, blocking them is as simple as clicking a button.

  • Don’t worry, you’re not breaking it to me 😄. I’ve never found the need for more than 10 aliases myself and I could be wrong but I think that needing more than 10 functioning aliases at a given time is a bit of a fringe case when it comes to the average user. It sounds like your comments are based on pretty heavy usage.

    I’m not saying that Simple Login is better than the other two services (which I’ve never used so can’t compare) However, from using the free tier of the service for years now the free version of Simple Login is feature complete and does not make you bump in to pay walls.

  • How are your backups currently stored, simple copies of the files like you would make with rsync? I assume your on a Linux NAS, in which case fdupes would likely fit the bill. meld would be another option, and it also has a GUI if your NAS isn’t headless.

    For future backups restic might be a nice option as it deduplicates itself each time you run the backup. You can set retention policies (i.e. 7 daily, 4 weekly, 2 monthly, etc…) that only keep regulated intervals of backups.

  • I’m not the OP, but I’ll throw in my stats for reference.

    Storage used: 65 gbs

    Price: 52¢ monthly

    I just use it as backup storage with restic as the backup tool, so following the initial data dump it’s just making incremental changes.

    They’re changing their pricing this month, storage now costs $6 per terabyte of data per month (up from $5 per terabyte.) Downloading that data is now free, up to X3 the amount of data you have stored. Anything more than that is priced at .01¢ per GB. I could download 195gb for free based on my usage.

    Hope this helps.

  • Self-host

    1. Notes: Joplin server is great, the sync is way more efficient (and private) than using a 3rd party storage service like OneDrive or Dropbox.
    2. Photo Library: Immich photo management server. No clandestine scanning of your images or using them for AI training.


    1. Offsite backup location: Backblaze has super cheap prices on data storage. You can encrypt the buckets with a toggle on BB, but TrueNAS has a sweet automatic backup option that encrypts data before sending to your backblaze bucket.