• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Yikes who would downvote this comment? Pretty gross how many people love cars more than humanity and the planet.

    Well, I did, and its not because I love cars and hate humanity/the planet. Its that this is such an irrelevant comment on the topic and is just looking to derail and invite argument that you yourself are perpetuating with your Strawman you posted here. I don’t downvote because I disagree with an opinion. I downvote when the posts are actively working against topical conversation to the thread.

    That poster did the equivalent of going into a thread about threats to livestock and said “everyone should be a vegan”.

    Oh, I downvoted you too, BTW.

  • I left Overwatch when Overwatch 1 servers were turned off and found a fun replacement in Paladins playing it for a couple of years. What finally drove me away from Paladins was the broken rewards. You could be working toward one of the rewards and you effort simply didn’t count for that match/game/day. Your progress meter was the same at the beginning as the end of your play time with zero progress. Sometime they’d fix it, many times it would be. When you can do the work and the progress doesn’t count it removes any incentive to work for the rewards.

    I’ll still log every now and then to play the game and enjoy it. Except now I simply ignore any of the offered rewards and play the game only for the gameplay value, so I play it much much less.

  • What Musk didn’t isn’t what is acceptable as a “scream test” in IT. “Scream test” is only use after exhausting all other avenues of identifying any live processes still in use. Additionally, its broadcast weeks or months in advance so folks can be on the lookout for a process of theirs that is failing they didn’t know was on the servers in question. Further, the “scream test” is just powering down the server, or possibly disconnecting it from the network. Either task can be un-done quickly to restore service in the event a live process is found that needs to be preserved.

    Musk just ripped shit out in the middle of the night with no easy way to restore service. What he did was like ripping out your own organs to see if you die from it? Appendix? Apparently not needed. Liver? Why am I dead now?

  • Two problems with your argument:

    I would encourage you to consider the case of Switzerland.

    “The population density in Switzerland is 227 per Km2 (588 people per mi2). The total land area is 39,516 Km2 (15,257 sq. miles). 74.4 % of the population is urban (6,668,094 people in 2025).” source

    “The population density in the United States is 38 per Km2 (98 people per mi2). The total land area is 9,147,420 Km2 (3,531,837 sq. miles). 82.8 % of the population is urban (287,421,363 people in 2025).” source

    The population density is almost an order of magnitude lower than Switzerland. So while the Swiss model may show a version of success for that population in that geography it doesn’t scale the same way to the USA.

    as many of our small towns once used to be before rail enshittification and car dependency became a thing. In fact, you can still see the walkable history of many cities and towns, especially the small ones, just by visiting old main street. When cars and gas got cheap, we all lost our minds and forgot how to build cities.

    I don’t disagree that history took a different turn in the early 20th century that dismantled many good public transit options including streetcars and rail, however, even waving a magic wand and getting 100% of that back wouldn’t solve today’s transit needs in the USA. Employment back then was single income workers. Besides seasonal agriculture work, you could generally live close to where you work, and you’d work at the same employer for most of your adult life meaning no need to move. That doesn’t match today’s society with multi-income households, nor the requirement for residential mobility required for frequently changing jobs. Where do you live? Close to one spouse’s work or the other? What if a job change occurs, do you uproot your entire family each time?

    This also does nothing to address the requirements of access modern medical services for a population that is living 20 to 30 years longer than those back then. When the life expectancy is 58 years old source, it was more likely that you’d die before reaching geriatric age. An aged loved one of mine has to go to a modern cancer hospital twice a week a 40 minute drive away from home. Thats doable with personal transportation, that same trip might be 3 to 4 hours with 1920/1930’s transpiration and included in that would be lots of walking which isn’t really possible for them over any great distance. The transportation systems of old simply aren’t a drop-in replacement for modern requirements.

  • With the additional context of your post, it sounds like you would be willing to go to the other country to accomplish you goals for your benefit as that was the main thrust of your post as written.

    Communicate statements about what you’d like to do together with your new friend and how you can help them with their goals, then that statement about visiting is much more impactful to a new friend.

  • I don’t believe, based on that body text, that use of pronouns would be prohibited in, say, email text or chats, or whatever.

    So to comply with the rules, a user could use a Quick Steps default template of the Outlook for “new email” to automatically insert a sentence at the top of the body of every email:

    “My pronouns are he/him” etc.

    Since this isn’t in the signature block, nor is it in the display name of Outlook or Teams, it would comply with the rules. If one were looking to do that you’d find the instructions here: link

  • They write these stories like this isn’t the result he is looking for. The point is to crash, not rebuild;

    I’m noticing a slightly different pattern with these actions. I don’t think trump and his cronies were actually seeking to hurt farmers, but something else.

    1. hurt everyone temporary to see who screams.
    2. Those that scream that are opponents, continue to deny them the government benefit
    3. Those that are allies, extract concessions and/or pledges of fealty before returning the same benefit they had before.
    4. For those that don’t scream, or don’t scream loud enough, simply pocket the benefit for himself and his own goals.

    nothing the Trump administration is doing is geared to help, rebuild, or make America great.


  • First, well done on all the improvements you’ve made to yourself. You should be proud not only of identifying what it was about yourself you wanted to improve, but also following through with it. Well done!

    I could use an online friend who wants to help me focus on what’s most important in life.


    1. relationships (facing my fear or what I avoid, choosing right person(s))

    On the relationship side,

    A. Relationships are bidirectional - part would be showing care and concern for the person you’re looking to interact with. A friendship should be bi-directional. You’re stating what you want from the relationship here completely in divorced from anything your potential friend would want or need. Where are you showing concern and help for the person you want to be friends with? Why would someone want to be a friend if you’re starting the relationship with you just receiving, and not giving in return?

    B. Show value - Besides the attributes of being a breathing and speaking human (those have value too), what special talents or knowledge do you have that you can help your friend in achieving their goals?

    These are components for all relationship, but specifically for friendships too.

  • I mean 10% of the US houses sit vacant, so that seems aggressive when it should be we need to house people rather than build more houses

    Your own link tells the tale:

    “Despite the vacancies, the housing supply remains tight. According to Realtor, homeowner vacancy rates stand at just 0.9%, while rental vacancy rates are at 6.6% – both near historic lows. Jones said that “for-sale inventory remains more than 20% below pre-pandemic levels,” which drives home prices despite waning buyer demand.”

    Home prices are artificially increased by corporations building / buying homes in the interest of renting them. I’m not sure the impact a lumber shortage having for those struggling with housing,

    That’s certainly one driver, but not the only one. The largest home builders are still mostly building for sale to individuals.