Wormholing is like playing Eve 2, such a different breed of people
A highbrow snack, requiring additional privileges to eat
Not everything has to have an opposing perspective, where’s the opposing community for knitting? Tearing?
The script is bad and the story is filled with boring tropes. The fighting is visually appealing and very fun for each character but the lore isn’t interesting at all
Honest question, what does it give that eve doesn’t? If X4 is a good alternative why is eve really so lacking? Give it a try, do a level 1 security mission in a merlin, it’s very similar to X4
Soul caliber 6, story is supreme cringe but I like the 3D fighting aspect
I don’t get why people defend this game so fiercly
I’d like to see a return of the old racing games with hundreds of cars and performance customization
I haven’t seen a game like juiced in quite some time with money on the line for each race
Airplane engines have deceptively high thrust, imagine each one as a rocket and it’ll start to make sense. The a380 (the big double decker) each engine produces around 350KN. When that thrust is applied to an 80kg human they’ll experience almost 450Gs of force
In an extreme sense, imagine putting a little rocket engine on a paper airplane which will represent a high thrust to weight ratio