Western Canada. I was thinking maybe it’s like a soda vs pop thing. Or just wildly isolated to my own experience. Just showerthinking.
Western Canada. I was thinking maybe it’s like a soda vs pop thing. Or just wildly isolated to my own experience. Just showerthinking.
That might be true, or something local. I posted that this morning then got too busy to check in. I probably should have made it less about “positive/negative” and more about “it’s cool vs not cool” Here is my way too late OP explanation:
I go to a lot of sports events, hockey mostly. Since the 90s my friends and I play a little game. Count the people who give a #1 finger on the jumbotron vs point at their jersey vs thumbs up. Collectively, we have decided that ”kids today” don’t use thumbs up as much as in the past. I also noticed “Let’s go!” Is the cheer these days.
Sorry for oversimplifying my shower thought.
GRANDPA! What did we tell you!
Boomers still boom in though. My dad has a smart TV and easy access to a whole bunch of streaming services but chooses to pay telus and watch on his cable box mostly because all he knows is his cable remote control. And those steaming “channels” are just like, channel 473. Anything else is too complicated. Enter your password? No way.
I wonder if in the 1800s people saw the first photograph and thought… “well, that’s the end of painters.” Others probably said “look! it’s so shitty it can’t even reproduce colors!!!”.
What it was the end of was talentless painters who were just copying what they saw. Painting stopped being for service and started being for art. That is where software development is going.
I have worked with hundreds of software developers in the last 20 years, half of them were copy pasters who got into software because they tricked people into thinking it was magic. In the future we will still code, just don’t bother with the thing the Prompt Engineer can do in 5 seconds.
Maybe they just asked chatGPT who to hire.
Unpopular opinions are one of my specialties.