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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • No, it is an organizational problem. It is functionally the reason that startups tend to stagnate when bought out… even if the host company ‘leaves them alone’.

    A really simple example for transit: due to past corruption and or pay-to-play issues, most states (especially Democrat states) have pretty firm procurement guidelines. There are exceptions for emergencies, but the usually require the Governor’s office to chime in and aren’t intended for day-to-day items. A threshold of $100k isn’t unheard of for a forced sole-source procurement. I don’t want to waive that rule for government in general, but a transit agency that you want to actually meets service needs to not be waiting on the Governor to do so.

    That specific issue is obviously solvable with a rule change… the meta issue is that State governments tends to create rules/laws without understanding how it breaks things

  • Aagrred with this.

    It still surprises me that:

    1. people think students need to be in school so long every year for actual educational reasons
    2. people get offended when you point out that it largely functions as a ‘daycare’ for younger kids
    3. we’ve had both parent working be the norm for decades now… and somehow we still don’t have a school system that addresses that

    I honestly think that the main reason for the male/female become gap is the above. Discrimination exists, but I think it is more an issue of women being more likely to compromise their work life to take care of kids… and therefore being less useful to work… so being paid less for it.

    If we ACTUALLY fix that somehow, we’d be much more inclusive and free society.

  • Credit where it is due though… they could have remained silent and probably taken no flak… so good on them.

    Their big request seems to be to make sure people are aware when a phone is fixed with off-brand parts. This also makes sense to me. Some portion of off brand parts will cause problems, which may show up as complaints back to or about Apple.

    (An example: we have a system trained to map rail territory using head-end video using some visual odometery and 2010-era AI. A specific client has cameras that we can’t process well because of weird subtle artifacts. Apple is doing much more complicated stuff than we are.)

  • So I’ve been in discussions like this for equipment on trains. It functionally goes:

    You paid for X. The hardware we plan to use for faster build supports X+Y. You can either:

    1. pay for Y
    2. have us artificially prevent Y
    3. wait until the hardware that just does X comes in

    I actually agree with the options prevented above. I just think that, as the owner, you should still have the right to reverse item 2 if you can figure out how. Especially if it’s out of warranty.