You may or may not recognize me as the sausage king of Chicago. Leather jacket, white t-shirt, sweater vest. Devastatingly handsome.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Hi fellow newb :) I don’t want to speak for the owner of this site or any other users, but it could be that some people might be hesitant to suggest an amount so as not to make it seem like they’re soliciting. I’m sure the person/people running this site are incurring costs for cloud computing resources and bandwidth as well as spending a lot of their own personal time for our benefit. I think the best approach for non-suggested donations is to give what you can afford and what you judge to be reasonable for the value you get out of it. For me, a site like this gives me a lot of value in terms of connection, entertainment, and just overall good to society, and I figured that’s easily worth at least the same $10 a month I give to Amazon, though I just did $100 one-time instead of recurring monthly for now. At the end of the day I think the best approach is giving what you personally feel is appropriate and what you can afford and trusting that you’re part of a community where everyone does their part and we all get to benefit together. I think that’s the great part of this social media model. I love the idea of paying for a collective service that many people use instead of sacrificing my personal data to huge corporations just to take part in a public forum. If someone official tells you otherwise though, just ignore my idealistic bullsh*t :)