So after they merge, who owns the business — AT&T?
So after they merge, who owns the business — AT&T?
I don’t see how this is any different then standing behind someone who is typing and watching them type on a physical keyboard. If you allow someone to see you typing, there’s no security involved there.
That said, there should be an option (if there’s not one already) to turn off the creepy external googly eyes feature.
Someone is jealous that another woman is getting Trump’s attention.
Gee, I wonder why? What an unexpected Coincidence!
Stop buying crap from China. You never know how poisonous it is, or if it’s made by slave labor. There’s a reason it’s cheap.
Yes, and before that they were a general jeep vehicle built by built by Jeep/AMC. They sold the contract to LTV in 1980.
There was a time when these were built by Jeep/AMC motors. People used to buy these used at auction and drive them after they were retired. And electric delivery vehicles are already built by companies like Rivian and Ford, though I don’t know what the cost difference is.
I would think building a “bespoke” vehicle for USPS would result in more expensive service parts. But I don’t know what kind of service contracts are included with these.
How much water does it normally take to put out a semi fire? Say a tire fire, engine fire, or the entire contents of a semi in flames? I couldn’t find the answer googling, but I did find that combustion engine semis burn at the rate of 7000 per year.
Reminds me of ICANN fucking up all the domain names. CocaCola.drink CocaCola.bev
Shameful. One thing that might work for the fediverse is federal institutions running their own Mastadon instances on .gov to move away from announcements on Twitter. You can’t fake .gov domains.
That would be nice. That said, Pages exports to RTF and Numbers exports to CSV. These are standard interchange formats.
Gee, should I vote for Hitler, or not Hitler? I just can’t decide!
“Undecided” voters are just people who are too ashamed to admit they’re going to vote for Trump.
It’s corporate media. Their mission is to create sound bites to play on the evening news later.
That’s easy to do when they mute her mic but don’t mute his.
Did Kamala leave? Because I’m just seeing ABC let Trump talk all he wants.
ABC is just letting Trump ramble now.
Watching the pre-show and evidently there’s a new TV show with Don Johnson coming. The commercial has me wondering how many times people can sample Tom Tom Club’s “Genius of Love”.
I can actually see the value in a trifold like the one pictured. In your pocket it’s a phone. When you unfold it, it’s an iPad. You’re consolidating devices.
That said, I’m not a fan of folding lcd screen tech used today. It creases. I’d rather see three separate bezel-less screens that magnetically join to make a larger surface.
If you buy an electric mower, you never have to change the oil again. Or the spark plug. Or buy gas. Or clean the carburetor.