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Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • Too late. Guy could literally peel over next week and they’d be screwed. He should have never agreed to or have been allowed to run a second term and IF he does get elected for a second term I guarantee you he doesn’t survive it. not from some nafarious plot or what have you but simply due to…well…look at him.

    But I got no dog in this fight. I’m in Canada. and although my elderly parents live in the US and I do worry about them with this election there’s nothing I can do. It’s like watching an oncoming ship wreck and you’re just screaming at the passangers (US citizens) to get off the boat, get on the life boats, save themselves while you stand on land not being able to do anything but watch. I imagine the rest of the world feels the same way.

    I mean i’m worried for you guys, like truly worried.

  • if something broke on Windows or I tried to fix an issue that was bugging me on that OS it felt like a chore and was frustrating. If something breaks or I have an issue I want to fix on Arch I actually have fun and enjoy doing it.

    The only problem with that is that it can really lead you down a rabbit hole. you fix or improve one thing and then you start wondering what else you can fix and improve on your install and all of sudden the day is gone becaue you’ve decided you want cmus to display album covers.