It’s the only way they’re going to figure out what he had for breakfast, so what else are they supposed to do?
It’s the only way they’re going to figure out what he had for breakfast, so what else are they supposed to do?
So while not entirely related, I have a question.
I’ve got a Windows 10 box hooked to my TV and you’re right, it’s great.
Until you end up with fonts so small they’re unreadable, even with a 300% scaling on the 4k TV because it seems like every third random gaming piece of software just fucking ignore scaling.
You ever find a working solution to that?
My ass is old, and trying to do couch gaming from a PC means it’s a 50/50 chance I’m either squinting and giving myself a headache or having to walk over to the tv to read whatever stupid shit some game has decided to use 8pt font for.
Everyone is focusing on Musk but uh, Global Foundries wants to be involved in buying Intel?
The same Global Foundries that’s utterly incapable of progressing their tech stack?
The one AMD created when they got rid of their foundries and was happy to do so?
That amuses the shit out of me.
I don’t think so, no. At least nothing I’ve noticed, but they’re also not being any better than any other gacha game, either.
To self-host, you do not need to know how to code.
I agree but also say that learning enough to be able to write simple bash scripts is maybe required.
There’s always going to be stuff you want to automate and knowing enough bash to bang out a script that does what you want that you can drop into cron or systemd timers is probably a useful time investment.
And millions of children cried out for their waifus.
(This is good: I play and enjoy Genshin but they’re using every single psychological trick to get you to spend money to gamble and that kind of shameless shit shouldn’t be put in front of children who don’t have sufficient experience and developmental time to not get totally taken.)
loops, whatever the hell that is
FediverseTok, which I expect to get a lot more popular in the US pretty soon.
I don’t disagree, but if it’s a case where the janky file problem ONLY appears in Jellyfin but not Plex, then, well, jank or not, that’s still Jellyfin doing something weird.
No reason why Jellyfin would decide the French audio track should be played every 3rd episode, or that it should just pick a random subtitle track when Plex isn’t doing it on exactly the same files.
Why pay someone when you can just use ChatGPT?
I mean, the quality of what you get is going to be garbage either way, so you might as well just use AI to cheat rather than paying for a site that pays someone a tiny fraction to do it for you.
Humans can’t do then benevolent part for very long.
You can fake it for a bit, but by and large we’re just absolutely shit at not being assholes to each other once you get outside of your family tribe or maybe your local neighbors.
(Also having a complete mental breakdown doesn’t help, and boy howdy.)
If you share access with your media to anyone you’d consider even remotely non-technical, do not drop Jellyfin in their laps.
The clients aren’t nearly as good as plex, they’re not as universally supported as plex, and the whole thing just has the needs-another-year-or-two-of-polish vibes.
And before the pitchfork crowd shows up, I’m using Jellyfin exclusively, but I also don’t have people using it who can’t figure out why half the episodes in a tv season pick a different language, or why the subtitles are somtimes english, and sometimes german, or why some videos occasionally don’t have proper audio (l and r are swapped) and how to take care of all of those things.
I’d also agree your thought that docker is the right approach to go: you don’t need docker swarm, or kubernetes, or whatever other nonsense for your personal plex install, unless you want to learn those technologies.
Install a base debian via netinstall, install docker, install plex, done.
Yep. Texas has been just-one-more-thing-happening from going blue for 25 years now.
So far, not a single damn one of those things, or even, somehow, the aggregate change of ALL of them has resulted in shit.
Cities are just as blue as they were, and the rest of the state is just as red, and the Republicans have remained in charge throughout it all.
And, before someone goes ‘but gerrymandering!’, the ®s are maintaining control even in state-wide elections that are just a matter of getting more votes, too, so while you can argue that some of the stuff is probably gerrymandered, that’s not the root cause of it either.
Another handful of people moving here isn’t going to make one single bit of difference, and anyone thinking otherwise after literal decades of this kind of wishful thinking needs to take a deep breath and some introspection and figure out why they’re still willing to buy that line.
Timely post.
I was about to make one because iDrive has decided to double their prices, probably because they could.
$30/tb/year to $50/tb/year is a pretty big jump, but they were also way under the market price so capitalism gonna capital and they’re “optimizing” or someshit.
I’ve love to be able to push my stuff to some other provider for closer to that $30, but uh, yeah, no freaking clue who since $60/tb/year seems to be the more average price.
Alternately, a storage option that’s not S3-based would also probably be acceptable. Backups are ~300gb, give or take, and the stuff that does need S3-style storage I can stuff in Cloudflare’s free tier.
That’s a much better name than something I was thinking.
I just made the assumption they’d do the standard open source thing and call it Libre-something.
I’d pay actual money to see the meltdown Matt would have if it was forked and called WP Core.
I hate to wreck this beautiful dream, but tech is not nearly as blue as everyone thinks it is.
I’ve never spent time around big tech types where the split wasn’t 30% libertarians, 30% right-wingers, and 30% american-style liberals.
The problem there is the libertarians land all over the damn spectrum but you end up basically the same place you do everywhere else: it’s a 50/50 split.
And let’s be honest, the expectation here is that a lot of the employees won’t move.
If the goal is to avoid “liberal bias”, or whatever, moving the people from California to Texas won’t do a damn thing. What you do is you move the jobs somewhere unpalatable, knowing full well this will let you do a mass layoff without it being a layoff, because people “chose” not to move to where their job is.
So we’re going to get a couple of jobs, but they’re going to be filled by people already here.
Or maybe I don’t buy enough?
I dunno, I’ve just kinda changed what games I play to things that appear to also be the same kind of stuff that Epic is making deals to give away for free?
Also, in fairness, I do buy the occasional game for console even if it’s available on PC as sales permit, but we’re talking a game or two a year at most.
$5 says there’s a hard fork led by all the commercial providers and anyone else who has a business that depends on Wordpress, and that it happens fairly soon.
It’s GPLed, so while you can’t call your fork Wordpress, you can just rename it and carry on with everything as it was, except you’re no longer involved in dealing with crazy.
I’m not sure the average customer of any of those businesses knows or cares about the name of the software that their site runs, and won’t give a single crap about it not being Wordpress but some other name while otherwise staying exactly the same - or, maybe, without an opinionated obstructionist sitting in front of the code approval path, perhaps even better.
Eh, I’d say you’ve almost got it but not quite.
I wouldn’t tolerate it in any sense, “ironic” or not.
Too many people are too stupid to determine irony from a serious statement, and just assume the “irony” is a legitimate support of their shitty opinions.
No tolerance at all is required, because we don’t want to confuse anyone into thinking that maybe that crap is remotely acceptable here.
Essentially, yes: they’re not going to contribute to their primary project because some fee-fees got hurt. It’s not really a suicide note, but they’ve certainly decided they’re not opposed to it.
I’m sure it’ll be free from Epic Games in like 4 or 5 years like every other game I’ve been playing recently, so meh.
Bleed them impatient whales, I guess?