I am a Linux user for over a decade but I have no idea what this discussion is about. Can someone give me a tldr? I install some software using apt and some using the store and never have any issues.
I am a Linux user for over a decade but I have no idea what this discussion is about. Can someone give me a tldr? I install some software using apt and some using the store and never have any issues.
Haha true. But I only said it in the context of this picture.
Because it is a Unix system, so the Bash feels very similar and if you install homebrew you have a package manager with a very Linux like feel and a software catalog where most Linux command lines tool have a port for OS X. From a usability perspective OS X is Linux, but without permanent issues and reinstalls. (and I am saying this as a 12 year Linux User who only uses Macs for work)
Mac is Linux, but in a golden cage. Not sure if this exist as a picture.
One of the papers about it https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.07682.pdf
But bigger models have new “emergent” capabilities. I heard that from a certain size they start to know what they know and hallucinate less.
I would never put something in my brain that doesn’t at least have a public API documentation. If the company discontinued the product I want to be able to keep using it. Open Source software would be best.