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Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The “pan” prefix on the other hand, means all, or including everything. Thus we can assume pansexual to (literally) mean a person who is sexually attracted to any and every gender that there is or could be.

    The “pan” prefix on the other hand, means all, or including everything. Thus we can assume pansexual to (literally) mean a person who is can be sexually attracted to any and every gender that there is or could be.___

    Hetero, bi, and gay people are not attracted to any or every of their preferred gender. It’s a small difference in language but I think pansexuals would agree that phrasing it as “is sexually attracted to any and every gender” implies pansexuals are out there trying to bang anything with a pulse whereas the truth is just that gender or sexuality are not barriers to them. I guess it would be more accurate to say “pansexuals are sexually attracted to partners independent of sex and/or gender identity”?

    This is probably oversimplified, but maybe helpful:

    Straight - consider themselves sexually attracted to opposite gender/sex

    Gay - consider themselves sexually attacted to same gender/sex

    Bi - consider themselves sexually attracted to either gender/sex

    Pan - consider themselves sexually attracted

  • Think of all the people you’ve known who were open minded and accepting and how small the number of them seemed compared to the majority when we were growing up. Know that a lot of those people probably went on to inspire those qualities in others and raise their kids to value those things. I’ve seen mainstream society come a long way from my childhood in the 80s and teens in the 90s.

    I agree, I had a lot more hope for Gen X but we were up against the juggernaut of the boomer voting bloc. As those selfish fucks age out we’re finally looking at the possibility of righting the ship.