I can’t believe someone has paid for that domain name for 23 years… O_O
also at beehaw
I can’t believe someone has paid for that domain name for 23 years… O_O
I like the friendlier feeling of Seaford (the o shapes have a little tilt to them rather than being straight on the grid), but I’m guessing they leaned towards the most “generic” of the five because as a default font you want it to become “invisible” almost. I think a more unique font would stand out and then become a little grating over time given how much it would be seen.
Interesting. I wonder if it’s worth putting a Faraday cage around a home NAS – but it sounds like the electrical surge from it being plugged in might fry it as well.
Interesting! Sakurai would say keep your params out of the code, so that you can easily tweak all params in one spot when balancing things. But maybe having all params in code is reasonable to handle when you’re a solo dev.
I’m curious, how are you discovering new music this way? my understanding of soulseek and nicotine+ is that they’re great for finding music by artists you already know, but idk how they would work for discovery…?