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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Are you saying that it does work with open suse tumbleweed with the stock kernel?

    I havent run opensuse much as a server but am always looking at it and Arch.

    Probably going to switch to Arch eventually because the arch wiki is just the best docs I’ve found.

    If you’re not relying on say a closed source driver that needs to compile for each kernel update you should have no issues there.

    If you set up btrfs snapshots to run on updates then you could always just roll back if there’s a bad one. That’s how my arch laptop is set up.

    Personally wouldn’t use Debian testing over arch or tumbleweed though. I think there’s something to be said for being on the same packages as the maintaners and not a testing version.

  • Eh. Young people are always the most likely to be flakey pieces of shit at any job. It self filters out pretty quick.

    Also, I work trades and I’ll just say that from my point of view very few people are literate outside what they immediately need to navigate their lives. Like on bigger jobs we’ll have a worker at random read out a section of corporate safety policy in the morning meeting and let’s just say that literacy is a spectrum and most people are “functional” but do not read for pleasure or knowledge on their own time.

  • If you’re so worried about literacy then you shouldn’t need to rely on the crutch of swearing to make sure something has impact. Maybe you can tell when I’m serious because I stop swearing as I enjoy doing casually and instead rely on formal and precise language.

    Why do we have thesauruses at all? Why add any unnecessary flourishes to language? Would it be the same message if someone spoke without swearing at all? Why should people censor themselves just so you can have people know you for suresies meant it when you stubbed your toe this time?

    Why do individual words need power? Surely the sentiment and meaning of them is what gives them power. For instance this post of yours is more offensive to my cuss-loving ass than any amount of calling me a dumb motherfucker would be. Take your faux-erudition and carefully place it somewhere dark please.

  • I’d say its actually a marker of coming from a blue collar worker background over anything else. I get people from the dumbest labourer to ever pick up a hammer to project engineers and automation programmers and we all swear as punctuation pretty similarly. You can tell when someone’s a corporate narc because they just can’t swear right. Brains wired wrong for it. Now I don’t swear a ton when I write because it just doesn’t feel as natural compared to spoken word.

    I think a lot people who swear all the time sound dumber when they’re places they aren’t supposed to swear because they have to constantly run over and censor everything they’re trying they say on the fly and as Ricky from Trailer Park Boys would say “If I can’t smoke and swear, I’m fucked”