• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Spacex has long published their price lists for launching with a single payload/client.

    Rideshare missions should then be more expensive than this cost divided by the number of slots/weight available as there are integration and other overhead costs to account for.

    If they’re lower than SpaceX are potentially dumping prices.

    However. If you have committed to flying anyway, and you want to sell the last slots, just like airlines do, it can make sense to lower the price for the remaining seats.

    All that said, it seems pretty obvious that most small launch companies will struggle to compete with SpaceX on price.

    Same way as it’s hard to establish boutique manufacturing that competes with mass manufacturing on price.

    My bet is that RocketLab will survive and most of the others will perish or be consolidated (and then possibly perish).

  • In purchasing Falcon 9 rockets, Amazon would have been, in effect, funding the further development and improvement of the Starlink service.

    The core issue is likely to be whether Amazon directors gave due consideration to this, and other related matters. The meetings to approve these launch contracts, according to the lawsuit, were brief and perfunctory. Perhaps the real question is whether Amazon’s directors should have spent more time discussing whether launching its Kuiper satellites on time, and likely for about half the cost of its other options, outweighed the downside of supporting a competitor’s business.

    From the article.