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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In the context of protecting my kid from trauma (gun violence), my primary issue with a solution would yes, be the likelihood of the solution just causing a different kind of trauma.

    You, however, seem to think it’s my only objection to the idea of standing over my kid with a gun. It’s not. I wasn’t trying to write a treatise on guns or gun violence, I was reaching out for human connection in a moment of fear and tears. And your response was to accuse me and all Americans of not being able to fathom a solution to problem without bringing a gun into it. Thanks, I found your reply super helpful in that moment. I’m all better now.

  • You thought that was my first instinct? I felt like my first instinct was clearly to keep my kid home forever.

    It was a rhetorical question, meant to highlight the insanity of the situation and the lack of options parents face just trying to let their kids be kids in safety. Bringing a gun to playtime would clearly be absurd, as would keeping my daughter inside, but you didn’t feel the need to call out Americans for constantly wanting to lock up their daughters. For that one you understood irony.

    My country is a fucking mess, I’m clearly already upset about it. We could even have agreed about it! But you had to read what I wrote in the weirdest, American hating way possible.

  • What do you do? As a parent what do you fucking do? How do you protect your kids from this?? What are we supposed to do? Tell them not to leave the house??

    I’m in fucking tears, both for this little girl and her family and friends, and because I literally do not know how to protect my daughter from this.

    Stand over outdoor playtime with a gun? Trauma Refuse to let kids play outside anymore? Trauma

    My kid has already been shooting adjacent once in her life, and that list of kids grows and grows every year. Kids shot, kids siblings shot, kids friends shot, kids on lockdown because there’s a shooting in the school, near the school, shootings in Walmarts, now they can’t play in their front yards or ring the wrong doorbell by mistake.

    The fuck, you guys? Thanks for listening so I could get that out of my system before my kid sees my face.

  • Ignoring what I assume is some anti-trans bullshit, do you understand the difference between force and consent?

    If I choose to eat a hotdog that’s nothing noteworthy, if someone forcefully shoves a hotdog down my throat it’s assault.

    Do you know understand what a hysterectomy does to a body? It’s more than just lacking a uterus/no more baby making/no more periods. It’s a major surgery that can come with major complications, including sending a person into early menopause, which starts a loss of fucking bone density. Would you be so casual about someone doing that to you or someone you love without their prior knowledge or consent?

    Sit down and think of your favorite woman, whoever she may be, then picture her tearfully telling you she was given a major surgery by the government, that she did not want, that took away her ability to have children and sent her into early menopause. Would you be okay with someone making a casual joke about that? Would that be funny to you? I hope not. I hope you’d be able to empathize with her heartbreak.

  • … right. Because republicans control Texas and the grid. A grid that already killed people a couple years ago. A grid that people aren’t convinced the republican leadership has fixed. A grid that’s being heavily used under this heatwave. That just makes sense to me.

    What else would you expect in the comments? I expect talk about climate change, the grid, and how republicans have fucked up both of those things. I don’t expect people to be saying, “Sure is a scorcher today!”, Or casual chats about lemonade recipes. Those days are gone.

  • Texans are worried because of the previous track record: The winter storm that froze people to death because the supply couldn’t keep up with demand. Our grid was incredibly close to a whole shit down, which would have killed even more people. All of which happened because the people in charge of such things didn’t prepare for a winter storm like that despite being warned that it was necessary like a decade ago.

    And heat is no joke. So yeah, we worry. We have kids, elderly family and friends, pets, and healthy adults are also not immune. When demand skyrockets we get worried because people have already died and we don’t want to see that happen again. We’re also very aware of how often we’re told things are “fixed” when nothing has actually been done. So we cross our fingers, and we sweat, and we hope the grid doesn’t shut down and kill us. Sorry our worrying and upvoting of the topic bothers you.