
kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • I agree with this a lot. I really do not like the term “content”. It is like going to a recipe for some “slop”, like using a term that is just a catch all for everything tossed on a plate.

    Art is great. Movies, music are also fine terms. And so is simply saying they made a video. Watering it all down to the term “content” is just so boring and mind numbing.

  • Ubuntu has never been remotely stable for me. Something stupid breaks or becomes difficult to get what I want out of it.

    Been that way since it came out for me.

    I find Arch much less hassle than Ubuntu ever was.

    Just recently put Ubuntu on a machine for a work project. It was broken from the get go, throwing errors and being it’s usual shitty self.

    I could never recommend it.

    Fedora on the other hand has been on a spare laptop for about 6 months and I gotta say they really have put some polish in. Updates are frequent but reasonable and most everything works well. Some small issues but they are not show stoppers and Fedora is aware of them.

  • So you ever actually read his platform? Look into what he has done? Tim has sound and practical reasons for … guess what… doing the right thing.

    Feed school children for example. Turns out the grades go up and truancy goes down. Juvenile crime goes down. An educated workforce makes for better wages and a happier populace. He will tell you that… in plain English.

    Instead of blaming everyone else and calling names he, you know, fills potholes and offers solutions. He isn’t perfect, but you calling names and acting like an ass with no actuall reasons is just pathetic.