Otaku, gamer, self-taught programming student and professional procrastinator from Brazil. In fact, I am procrastinating at this very moment. I love boomer shooters too.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2021

  • well, if I have an object on the heap and I want a lot of things to use it at the same time, a shared_ptr is the first thing I reach for. If I have an object on the heap and I want to enforce that no one else but the current scope can use it, I always reach for a unique_ptr. Of course, I know you know all of this, you have used it almost daily for 7 years.

    In my vision, I could use a raw pointer, but I would have to worry about the lifetime of every object that uses it and make sure that it is safe. I would rather be safe that those bugs probably won’t happen, and focus my thinking time on fixing other bugs. Not to mention that when using raw pointers the code might get more confusing, when I rather explicitly specify what I want the object lifetime to be just by using a smart pointer.

    Of course, I don’t really care how you code your stuff, if you are comfortable in it. Though I am interested in your point of view in this. I don’t think I’ve come across many people that actually prefer using raw pointer on modern C++.

  • Yeah, a lot of lemmy users were already into free software as a whole and liked lemmy because it’s libre and federated. So it’s only natural you see the focus on software freedom everywhere.

    I just think that we should strive to use libre alternatives, especially when they are as useful/better than closed source ones.

    The philosophical side of free software is much more important to me than anything else. For me, it’s not just about using open source software for the sake of it. It’s about software freedom.

    But I don’t go around telling everyone to use open source or die. If you just don’t like the libre alternative and prefer using closed source software, whatever. If there isn’t a general reason to use a closed source software, I’ll just point out the libre alternative (or try to convince that a somewhat inferior libre alternative may not be that bad) :)

  • quote stolen directly from the repo:

    “Science isn’t about WHY. It’s about WHY NOT. Why is so much of our science dangerous? Why not marry safe science if you love it so much. In fact, why not invent a special safety door that won’t hit you on the butt on the way out, because you are fired.” — Cave Johnson (Portal 2)