Whats the best way to take action for me as a single user? What kind of posts should I focus on making? Ive heard of fetching reddit posts, maybe I could do that if theres like an easy process to do so, I’d happily feed some communities I like with posts from the silicon valley mafia platform to this platform!
Also whats the name of this platform? I registered under feddit org, is the umbrella term called fediverse? Accroding to wiki then this(fediverse) should be linked to platforms like pixelfed and mastadon too, is it? How do I see content from them or in what way are these platforms interlinked with this reddit styled one?
Interestingly enough, I made a post in a community that hadn’t had any posts in months, yet it racked up dozens of comments in just a day or two. People are generally more reactive than proactive, which is why content creators reign.
Obviously, you don’t have to be a full-on influencer, but people may be more receptive than you think if you just make some posts from time to time—especially if they’re open-ended questions.
I just posted what I’d ask you too here