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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I don’t agree with these religious nuts but, in this case, I don’t think they’re completely off base regarding “God given rights”. The Declaration of Independence (not the Constitution) says:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    I wish the Declaration didn’t include “by their Creator” but it does.

  • I don’t understand why Republicans are so strongly on Israel’s side at this point. I think almost everyone was on Israel’s side on Oct 7th but since then there have been over 35,000 Palestinian deaths, including women and children, and their infrastructure has been obliterated. Israeli losses since Oct 7th only come to 260 soldiers.

    Why would anyone suggest nuking Gaza? Oct 7th was terrible but it wasn’t perpetrated by the millions of people in Gaza. It was perpetrated by the terrorist group that rules Gaza and, at this point, it seems they aren’t much of a threat.

    The only reasons I could see for nuking Gaza are:

    • To kill all Gaza s before the new crop of radicals being cultivated by Israel’s brutality become ripe.
    • To try to create a broader conflict with the Islamic world.

  • Are you just dense? The idea isn’t “no funding for Israel” the idea is “no funding for Israel until they start following international law and stop indiscriminately killing.”

    Hamas is awful and should be destroyed but two wrongs don’t make a right and Israel is going much too far. Israel isn’t attacking Hamas at this point. They are doing to the Gazans what Hamas did to Israel, but a hundred fold worse. They are acting like either a terrorist organization or a genocidal regime.

    I’m all for Israel defending itself. I am mostly okay with funding Israel to defend itself and stand up for itself. I am absolutely not for funding genocide and wars of retribution. At this point Israel needs to be brought to heel and, when safe, needs to be held accountable for its crimes and it’s long term policies of apartheid.