• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2022

  • Yeah I didn’t mean that FOSS was born out of communism, I believe culturally/antropologically speaking is more a direct product of the hippie movements from the 60s.
    What I meant is that FOSS is aimed at “giving the means of production back to the people” and “rejecting the privatization of intellectual property” (Stallman talked about those concepts in many interviews) and those are of the core principles in Marx’s philosophy.
    I know that for some people “communism” can be a trigger word, but there’s a big difference between a philosophy and an authority.

    Also “empathy, humanism, solidarity…”: have you ever interacted with people on GitHub?

  • It depends by what job you have: a plumber, for example, could probably run their business entirely with their phone.
    But we’re missing the point, I’m not saying a smartphone can replace a PC, whether it be Linux, iOS or Android. I’m saying that If you need to do all the tasks that are required by a “modern day job” and you need to do them well, then I’m sorry (I really am) but Linux phones aren’t ready yet.

    And most people aren’t running a business, so there’s that.

    Most people don’t have the skill to troubleshoot a Linux phone, why don’t we count them too in the statistics?
    Then, I used “running a business” as just an example to indicate the “urgency of a functioning phone” for whatever reason: it might just be that you have a relative you have to take care of, or that you are a doctor/nurse that can be contacted on every moment, or that you’re an a job hunt and cannot miss the call… I can go on for hours on why in A.D. 2024 a person from whichever social context cannot afford to be off the grid

  • I respond to you just because yours is the last of the “I daily drive a PinePhone” comments, but this is meant for everyone with the same opinion.

    Do you, in all honesty, feel comfortable enough with your device that you would confidently run a business solely through it?
    I’m not an influencer, so my job isn’t “taking pictures all the time”, but still I wouldn’t rely on a Linux phone to run my business because I cannot risk:

    • to miss a phone call, a text or an email;
    • to run out of battery if I’m outside my office all day long;
    • to have a faulty GPS should I use a navigator to meet a client;
    • that Bluetooth disconnects mid-call for the 5th time in a day while I’m driving;
    • that I have to take a picture to collect information and the latest update borked the camera.

    All of these things happen frequently on a Linux phone, and if you have a job where you can live through it good for you, I envy you TBH.
    On the other hand, keep in mind that it’s not just the “Instagram people” that need a reliable device.