Frankly, I don’t have a problem with anyone who uses linux, I do too. I just get tired of the same stupid circlejerks that paint it as some kind of perfect alternative to existing mainstays. I like it, you like it, Lemmy is a deeply nerdy subsect of diehard FOSS ideologies and the power of the personal computer. But dear god is it kind of insufferable at times when it’s preaching to converts, and I imagine even less pleasant for those who just don’t have a desire to care.
Hear ye, Hear ye! The local Linux preacher approaches! Hide all those whom value thou sanity!!
I will say there were times I wanted to ask certain questions, and was sure I would just be met with multiple “switch to linux” responses. I just used google to try and find answers on Reddit.
That blue screen of death post which recently said that Windows users live in fear of losing everything was a perfect example. As is this bullshit shower thought.
On the other hand, my only remaining Windows machine routinely bluescreens with 0xDEADDEAD, which is never supposed to happen (it’s a test code, for a deliberately initiated crash).
I think the last time I got a kernel panic on a Linux machine was 2011, and it was an mp3 player that was definitely not designed to run Linux.
Microsoft makes stupid decision for Windows = There’s always someone writing up paragraphs of how they switched to Linux via Mint, like they’re about to convert swathes of people to do the same. Insert meme where Obama is giving himself a medal.
You know, I did it. I finally took the leap, ditched Windows, and installed Linux Mint. And honestly? I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner. I mean, who knew freedom from updates that hijack your work in the middle of a call could feel this good? It’s like discovering this secret, ultra-customizable paradise where I’m the one in control.
And the best part? It was way easier than I expected. No complicated coding, no hidden hoops—just a few clicks, a couple of quick installs, and bam: a smooth, speedy system that’s totally mine. I feel like Neo breaking free from the Matrix! Now I just want to shout it from the rooftops, like, why isn’t everyone doing this? Windows users could be liberated! Free from the reign of random reboots and endless notifications.
I’m telling you, if you’re still on Windows, come on over to the Mint side. We have stability, speed, and a whole lot of satisfaction. The world needs to know!
Aw shit, here we go again…
Art. New copy pasta?
It was just ai bullshit… Don’t think to hard about it… Lol …
Should’ve told me sooner, else I wouldn’t have spent so much time working on a rant to your original comment
I mean, probably a lesson to be learned about the Internet in general… Don’t trust anything you read I assume the dead Internet theory is true and go from there… Sometimes it’s fun to talk to bots you know?
Don’t take this shit like you’re having a conversation with a real person… The only person you know is real is yourself.
I saw your comment I actually really just installed mint so i thought it would be funny… I tried arch and I ran into problems so I said let’s just do something that just works… But for you I guess it didn’t I would say try again if it’s been awhile. I was able to get everything that I needed to work on mint that I was using on windows.
I tried to install pgadmin4 in Mint 22 and I must say I wasn’t fascinated spending hours intensively rummaging through forums and websites trying to understand what went wrong with simple installation instructions and going through the process of finding alternatives to outdated commands and manually signing packages and whatnot for something that would’ve taken a few mouse clicks to do on Windows.
I am already busy with other things going on in my life and I simply don’t have the time to fiddle around with config files and learning to fix my OS problems with commands and terminal. I just want an OS that does what it is told to do.
I still second the rest of the points mentioned in your comment, but I still feel like this isn’t enough to convince me to completely hop into the Linux bandwagon as long as these types of third-party apps problems like unavailability, installation and lack of parity and features for official apps or alternatives persist in my workflow.
You also have to run the right Linux distro. Try telling Lemmy you run Ubuntu.
Dear Lemmy,
I am writing this letter to inform you that Kbuntu is a lovebuntu’an horror beond our comprehention, hiding itself in it’s KDE camoflauge. the monster only attacks those that it insult it. For this reason, it is critical that for their own safety, Ubuntu snobs be protected from this information. They should not be made aware of the true nature of Kbuntu. A forceful reinstall of KDE Neon may become nesisary under extreme conditions, do not hesutate to reach out for tools, resources and pre formatted flash drives.
Cincerely, Jack The 2nd of The “I use arch btw” Institute
I think the biggest problem is the fact that it is a three-pronged Choice.
Where two of them are fighting each other to become the biggest dumpster fire and the last one is just trying to function.
Its like the American political system. 😂
who just don’t have a desire to care.
With this attitude don’t expect people to be supportive of your wrong choices
The number one reason not to switch is “I don’t want to”. And I dislike that Windows users keep repeating decades old solved issues as excuses instead of being honest.
‘But muh games’ only very few don’t work OOB or at all.
‘I need this software’ most works flawlessly under Wine.
‘It crashes’ exactly as often as Windows with faulty hardware or bug in a driver.
‘Hardware isn’t plug&play’ more hardware works with Linux without installing drivers.
Jusy say “I dont want to give it a shot” or “I’m in the minority that can’t switch”, but don’t bullshit people about Linux requiring cmd to work. And those people then suggest editing registry to remove ads… It’s dishonest and in bad faith.
FOSS is the only way forward to stop complete enshittification of the digital space, like it or not.
Also I hate Microsoft and Apple with all my soul.
I get that most don’t care, but that doesn’t mean supporting those companies is good.
It’s fine to feel that way. It’s also fine to have that discussion with folks who may not know what the current state of is. But the bottom line is people don’t enjoy being told what they’re familiar with isn’t good or useful, because to them, it is. If it fulfills their day to day needs and wants, there’s very little argument to be had.
Microsoft’s business practices are scummy, and Apple’s closed ecosystem leads them to punish their customers. But not everyone uses their computer for more than what they absolutely require. Many do not have home computers, and may only interact with them for work. I’m a geek, nerd, whatever. I like to tinker, I like to customize, and I like that I have the freedom to do so. But most people just want something they’re familiar with, something that works as they expect it to. They don’t want to learn to use something at home that isn’t the same as work or school. And honestly I think that’s fair. There’s more going on in their lives, and these days almost everything they need to do is on the internet anyways.
It fulfills their every day needs and wants, expensively, intrusively, and without regards to their ownership of their own machine.
I agree with you 100%!
Also, if everyone switched to Linux, the games that won’t work, because the company making it is trying to own your machine, will all fail and those companies will have to do something else.
I get that the preaching comes off as printing, but how is Linux not a perfect alternative?
Try to run photoshop or 3dsMax on linux. It just doesn’t work
Krita and Gimp are maaaaaybe up to the job if I invest enough time but blender is clearly not a replacement for 3dsmax.
Huh, I normally hear the opposite. What are some features of 3dsmax that blender is missing for you?
You hear the opposite? Which opposite? One opposite: no, blender do work on windows.
There isn’t a one feature missing, it’s the whole soft that’s a hot mess and the UX is made by someone hating good clear interfaces. Like make a 20mm side cube with every side a 4x4 grid, now work on those vertices (add, split, move). Make some boolean operations. Make bones. Rig them. Map it. Animate it. Export to b3d with normals, binormals and animations. Good luck with that.
I usually fall into the pit every other year and installs it. It has become something of use I guess, but last time I tried it it was sure way behind my legal copy of 3ds from idk 2000-ish.
Sorry I should have specified. That Photoshop is irreplaceable but Blender is pretty good for professional use.
Thanks for sharing, sorry your work flow and experience is messy with it. I’m just a part of the community, but it’s always interesting to hear where different work flows do and don’t work for others.
UX and front ends is such a fuzzy field for me to wrap my head around. So much is done by intuition before hand or after viewing analytics.
Yeah no problem, and I’ll be there installing it again a year or two frim now I guess :-)
Is there at least a simple way doing boxes (tubes, spheres, …) of a specific size and position plus boolean operations?
That way I could start (again) to try to learn it by using it for my 3D prints.
Photoshop on Linux
I don’t know why someone downvotes you.
I felt it was easier to have a dedicated crap-pc running windoze for photoshop lol :-)
What’s that got to do with Linux? That’s a Photoshop or 3dsMax problem. There’s nothing about Linux getting in the way. It’s Adobe telling you no. Your dependence on Adobe isn’t a Linux problem.
The whole UX of using a computer is a collaborative project between hardware, os, and apps (and maybe networks). Any friction in that process is born in part by both sides.
I know what you are saying, and fuck Adobe, but the friction of Adobe products not working well on Linux is because Linux isn’t made to work well with corporate driven drm software. Unlike Microsoft, the Linux foundation isn’t likely to make a backroom deal to ensure that Linux will be developed in a way to keep their drm private and help them strip the rights of their users.
That leads to friction it is Linuxs fault for not accepting Adobes bs here. As it is also Adobes fault for sacrificing technical excellence in lu of artificial scarcity.
You’re wrong. It’s not collaborative. It’s competitive. Only open source is collaborative. There doesn’t need to be any secrets or DRM. That shit is what’s wrong. Worse than wrong, it’s bad.
Linux isn’t a person. It “accepts” literally anything. Nobody needs to accept Adobe’s BS. The industry is dragged down by them, not propped up.
If your OS is competing instead of collaborating with the hardware and apps, that’s gonna be a bad experience.
Welcome to Apple and Microsoft. It’s a bad experience, but you’ll pay because all your friends are jumping off the same bridge.
There are frenemies in the some markets for sure. But no “the marketplace” is a collaborative thing, corporations are collaborative ventures, etc
Almost every human experience is marked by systems of collaboration, even if competition is also allowed within that system.
Also agreed, and again fuck Adobe.
Yeah, I get that a lot of these groups gotta work together, but there’s just way too damn much leverage bullshit going on. Things could be so much better with a totally open source world. Restricting copying and features that companies don’t want us to have just kills the romance of digital goods being infinitely copyable.
3ds is like older than Linux
That means it won’t argue in bad faith
What are you talking about?
I like Linux. I like Linux users. I don’t like people who think Linux is the only viable OS to use, though. That’s just obnoxious and exhausting.
So theres BSD, truth.
WRONG Arch is the only right distro
This person uses arch by the way
And they’re vegan.
And asexual
100% their bike is a fixie and they lock it in front of their office building, it’s the only bike on that bike rack, because they like to show how cool they think they are.
I use Ubuntu, btw.
Mint FTW!
TempleOS is the true Operating System
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Yeah FreeBSD exists
Based and truth-pilled.
They’re escorts. They’re only hookers when they’re dead.
Escorts 🍷
It gives a whole new meaning to my buddy’s Ford escort.
Why are all the hookers using linux??? What is happening!!!
Heya honey, looking for a good time? I use Arch btw.
Because they are wise in the ways of the world.
Let’s be honest, that sounds like heaven.
If hookers could talk Linux to me, or even better, help me resolve my fucking display issue, I’d be giving them money hand over fist.
And figuratively
Heck, I’d probably be a repeat customer and have them help me rice my Linux install.
Who’s got time for sex when there’s ricing to be done!
You can do both. A fresh install and sex take about the same amount of time.
Look at Mr. I Can Last 20 Minutes over here.
Some of us still have Hard Drives. O_o
If your installation process lasts for more than four hours, better consult your disk doctor.
“No sex, tech support is my companionship!”
If you need help, I saw a fucking display in Amsterdam one time and could give you some pointers.
As long as both remain free and open source I’ll allow it.
I love how this entire comment chain went lol
The Fediverse is so fun!!!
Even Hookers need scheduling and accounting.
That’d be us Unix socks people.
Speaking of, I recently switched to Linux, do the thigh high socks just show up or do I have to order them myself?
If you use arch you have to start knitting
And with Gentoo you have to spin your own yarn before the knitting 😁
And with LFS, you need to breed, raise the sheep and then shear them yourself before you get to spin and knit the socks…
But you can tune the specifications of the yarn to theoretically make the socks up to 2% more comfy. In practice your tuning efforts will make the socks less comfortable and tear more easily.
You unlock them once you enter your 10,000th terminal command.
I just checked my
, 21110. And there was more that got cut off before I increased the history length. Are they supposed to come each Christmas or something because I don’t have them yet.Just read the Arch wiki. It’s clearly explained there. Fuckin’ noob. Thread locked.
Better get to work then, its gonna be a cold winter.
Does repeating commands count or do they have to be entered manually?
It’s rather a r9k kind of deal
You need to be a naughty slut that deserves a spanking for that to appear.
You get a choice of free maid/nurse/lab assistant outfit as well.
Yep, as written in the manuscript:
“Stallman’s Sluts and Torvalds’ Thots,
shall all receive some thigh-high socks.”This should be on a metal plate somewhere
You have to find the shop and pay some gold, but when you equip them you get +2 programming and can be combined with BLÅHAJ for +2 gender euphoria.
Yeah, who knew an open source platform would be used by open source enthusiasts?
happy cake day!
More like any-mention-of-anything-else protestors.
Really I’m just disappointed in the lack of blackjack here.
Coming on Lemmy and complaining in ShowerThoughts that there are too many Lemmy users complaining because there are too many Linux users is like going in to a brothel and complaining that there are too many hookers
More like going into a church and complaining there are too many hookers
More like going into a church and complaining that there are too many pedophiles.
I dunno man, you might be right cuz you’d probably be told to pipe it down
Can I complain there are not enough Linux users?
Yes that was always allowed
Only for a while, because I heard that it’s the year of Linux on the desktop this year, so… I guess the rest of the world will join us pretty soon.
If every prostitute approached you and had to tell you how much better she is at something than your current SO/wife, you should ditch your SO in favor of prostitutes, even though you’re not there for service.
Then it would be like Lemmy.
even though you’re not there for service
I mean, it’s pretty weird for a person to hang out in a brothel and not expect a couple of sales pitches for their services. They kinda only do the one thing, why go there if you aren’t down for it?
Because the bar you’d normally go to removed all the comfortable chairs and started selling ad space directly in front of your face.
Ok, so I get you are still trying to make the analogy work, but this is like getting mad that your coffee shop sucks, deciding to go to the local car dealership for the free coffee instead, and then complaining that they keep trying to sell you cars.
This analogy is breaking down rapidly, that was my point. lol.
…except this isn’t explicitly a Linux website. Sure, it’s probably run by people who use it extensively and populated mostly by people who use it at least regularly… but it’s in no way a Linux dealership. I came here specifically because it wasn’t trying to sell me something.
If you’re trying to say that’s not the case, and that the fediverse only exists as a mechanism to sell people on linux… it might be time to give up on it, I suppose.
Nah, I’m not trying to give any commentary on Lemmy or Linux in this thread. I’m just talking about how poorly the analogy is lining up for the intended purpose. Honestly, Lemmy shouldn’t be pushing any one thing in general, imo.
I do get confused about the people that show up in Linux specific communities and get mad about “all the Linux fanatics”, and maybe the original analogy would work for that.
I guess repeating continuing to make analogies in what appears to be a serious tone seems like an odd way to make the argument that the original analogy is broken. You’re not pointing out any flaws, using the current analogy to show how it doesn’t work… just changing the setting while keeping the overall analogy completely the same.
It’s like going to a brothel and continuing to have sex with prostitutes then saying the brothel is broken… sorry, I had to.
Are you saying my dick is broken and not the brothel? Ruh Roh.
Why come to lemmy if you’re not down for linux?
I dunno, maybe the brothel gas a restaurant with a good prime rib special.
It’s contagious. I caught the Linux over the weekend. It’s the Kubuntu strain of the disease, so I think it’s a mild case. But there’s always a risk it can spread to full-blown Arch.
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Stop it. Now. This is not tolerated in this thread and if I see you post another one like this, I will report you. People don’t give a Debian what you think is funny. I Mint it. serious frowny face serious red arrow pointing at serious frowny face /jk
LunarVoyager is not in the jokers file. This incident will be reported.
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I got a good chuckle out of that. Nice.
Careful it can also progress into Stage 4 BSD.
Don’t forget to enable the wobbly Windows. It prevent distro hoping.
I run both. everyone hates me :')
You run Linux in a brothel?
He runs a brothel on Linux.
That’s just Linux with extra steps
They have great “up time”.
I run both. everyone hates me :')
Brothix? Linal?
I hope not given how out of date it’s be by now.
Yeah I remember this. Though I thought it was even older than 2011. But maybe I’m confusing this with some redhat/fedora based distro some hardware manufacturer was shipping OEM with their x86 desktops around 2007. Can’t think of the name. But anyway that page you link shows an update from just last month. Though it sounds like it’s written by a bot. I’d wonder if it’s full of Chinese malware.
Well friend, it’s a good thing you don’t use a Mac, then.
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Lol still trying to decide if the linuxsucks community is entirely genuine.
Considering the mod will ban you for expressing literally the same sentiment as the OP and was posting multiple time daily, I think they are.
Must be a masochist
Very strange because the shoe fits. Most Linux users are masochists in some way. They actually enjoy understanding and configuring their software.
More like a bar with too many drunk people. It is understandable that they are there and its also expected that there are sober people there but it gets annoying when the drunk people keep spilling alcohol on you. Tho i dont its it that bad.
Yeah, I agree Linux is actually just a really solid OS
Yeah, your’s is more accurate XD I have to say that there are people that get annoying when they’re drunk but thank god they’re not the majority otherwhise going to the bar would be unbearable.
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Who are you so wise in the ways of sex workers?
And escorts?
I can’t believe my sleep addled brain read this as “e-scorts” like it was some new gaming thing.
Careful, some tech bro will take that and get a billion dollars in venture capital for “eScorts: Uber for hookers”.
How quickly can you write up a proposal? We can have GPT get us a mockup of the ui by tomorrow and be ready for production by Friday…
Did I say all of that correctly?
Just throw in AI there and we’re good!
I like the idea of pronouncing it hook-ai-rs just for the implications on Ubers becoming u-bears.
“U-bears for hook-ai-rs” makes me chuckle. It’s just the right amount of churches up.
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