Weird racist posts from dank memes keeps showing up in my feed. Are we doing anything to prevent becoming Voat 2.0? We’re really concerned about Threads and that’s a big unknown. Weird racists already destroyed the last Reddit escape are we concerned about that? Like are we going to make a policy of defederating hate groups?

I’m pretty confident this community is using fake accounts since every post starts at ~20 and then gets down voted after it’s been forced into a bunch of people’s feed.

If not that’s fine I guess but does anyone have a suggestion for somewhere that will?

    1 year ago

    I never said it was an American invention. Nor I said that it was their only problem. Just stated a fact. It is much easier to polarize politics in a two party system, and the USA is currently the best example

      1 year ago

      It’s not an accident. The polarized optics in the US is being manufactured by the billionaires who run the world. They want you mad, pissed off, and divided. They want us to fight each other and not them. It’s not even unique to the US.

      You want to be mad at someone? Hate the banks and the hedge funds who use their wealth to lobby senators. Hate the rich owners of the world because they are the ones that built the very fabric of how today works. Hate the fuckers who attend the WEF as they collude and conspire to destroy the poor people of the world.

      Hating your neighbor and fighting over dumb political talking points is exactly where they want you. If only the common man actually rallied with their fellow man this hellscape of a world would be completely different.