I would be worried to be literally any Congress member right now. Not only are some of them actively breeding extremists, that they barely have a leash on. But once Trump eventually kicks the bucket, all of that rage will be unleashed upon them for everything shitty that’s happened since Trump took office.
Republican politicians are tying their own noose right now, and they don’t realize the threat will come from in their own house.
it’s kind of astounding Graham still thinks he’ll be safe.
I would be worried to be literally any Congress member right now. Not only are some of them actively breeding extremists, that they barely have a leash on. But once Trump eventually kicks the bucket, all of that rage will be unleashed upon them for everything shitty that’s happened since Trump took office.
Republican politicians are tying their own noose right now, and they don’t realize the threat will come from in their own house.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Corrupt politicians and judges can help usher in a fascist dictatorship, but after that, the fascist dictatorship doesn’t really need them anymore.