• dorkian_gray@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Targeted and legitimate threats against their life.

    So you know for a fact that none of these people have ever been targeted or threatened by gang members? Or, is having a gangster wave a gun at your toddler not targeted enough? Since it has to be targeted, I imagine you don’t think fleeing an advancing military force, like many Ukrainians have had to, is enough? It might be worth thinking about that Einstein was a refugee in this country. He wasn’t treated any differently than any other German Jew by the Nazis, so bear that in mind with your “targeted” requirement.

    Right now, there are 1.6 million pending asylum claims, it’s being heavily abused.

    I at least found a similar source for your claims: https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/26/us/asylum-backlog-highest-record/index.html

    Brazil alone has nearly 230 million people. The total population of Central and South American countries is about 600 million people. That means less than 0.3% are seeking asylum. This seems reasonable to me. Given what you know about the countries these people are coming from, what is the percentage you would expect to be fleeing violence?

    I’m gonna need a source for that claim of abuse. What are you basing that on?

    As to the poem, it’s not just a poem. It espouses the principles America was founded on. If you don’t like it, have you considered leaving?

    • Blamemeta@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      1.6 million of them? If 1.6 million people are being individually targeted, the problem won’t be solved with asylum.

      • dorkian_gray@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        The point isn’t to stop the gangs and violence, it’s to take in the people fleeing that violence so that they do not get killed because of that violence. These are people with skills and a desire to make a better life for themselves, they have a place here, and there are not that many of them no matter how big you want to that “1.6 million” figure sound by skipping the context of the total numbers.

        You’re clearly not interested in actually thinking about this, or you’d be engaging more. Answer some of my questions with facts and figures, and we can continue.