Anurag Chandra, 45, followed “doorbell ditch” pranksters who were in a Toyota Prius that ultimately went off a road. Three of six teens in the car died.

    1 year ago

    I would argue it was clearly implied by the original commenter. And not all my points were directed at OP himself, but the talking points I see constantly perpetuate this myth. I probably should have made that more clear…

    This is just a major sore spot/pet peeve of mine, and I’ve worked so much with the population this myth affects. There is still such a stigma against mental illness (although we’ve come leaps and bounds over the last 20 years) and I feel compelled to try to combat it when I see it. I’ve seen repeatedly firsthand how stigma affects this population, and the things my clients would tell me were heartbreaking…

      1 year ago

      I would argue it was not implied, clearly or otherwise, and would counterpose that you might have read it that way because it’s a sore spot for you. This is why the other person who replied to you asked if you thought that mental health care is only for the mentally ill. Your response to OP implies one of two things:

      1. You read OPs comment as “this happened because the man was mentally ill and needed therapy” (which you did)


      1. You think mental health care is only for the mentally ill (which you don’t)

      So, it’s 1 then. 1 implies (whether you meant it or not) that there’s no room to read OP’s comment as “with how fucked up everything is, everyone needs mental health care, and if we had universal access to it maybe this would have been prevented”. That was basically your point, I think, and it is how I and others read OP’s comment.

          1 year ago

          Im OP- that is exactly what I was saying.

          Everyone will need a therapist at some point in their life for one reason or another and right now it costs way too much or carry’s too much of a stigma for people to consider it.

          If people don’t find ways to adequately deal with their negative feelings they act out. Sometimes I horrific ways.