Bank of America and Goldman Sachs have both been lauded for their LGBTIQ-friendly workplaces. But tax filings uncovered by openDemocracy show nonprofit foundations linked to the banks have also funded ultraconservative groups fighting to roll back civil rights for the queer community worldwide.

From 2017 to 2020, the Bank of America Charitable Foundation handed out more than $390,000 to eight such organisations who between them have resisted same-sex marriage laws and anti-discrimination protections for LGBTIQ people, challenged contraception and abortion access, and sought to ban gender-affirming healthcare for trans people. …

    1 year ago

    In fact I just did look at OPs posts and a handful of comment which causes me to say,

    Knee-jerk rightwingers like you are so predictable, with your comments in lock-step with the GOP; “china” a convenient boogie man. I’m surprised you didn’t blame trans folk.

    Why do you even bother?

    And an honest question: why are you so angry all the time?