Years before France was inflamed with anger at the police killing of a teenager during a traffic stop, there was the notorious Théo Luhaka case.

Mr. Luhaka, 22, a Black soccer player, was cutting through a known drug-dealing zone in his housing project in a Paris suburb in 2017 when the police swept in to conduct identity checks.

      2 years ago

      What do you mean by “too many too quickly”? If it’s about immigrants, I don’t see how it’s actually relevant here. Police attacks mentioned in the article (and that were happening in general) were against black/minority French citizens, not newly taken in immigrants. Plus the police force itself doesn’t consist of immigrants.

      And Europeans becoming poorer is a wealth redistribution problem first and foremost (with an aging population sprinkled in).

      Sure, there are shitty people amongst immigrants, but in a similar proportion to the amount of shitty people in general. It’s not the reason. Kinda looks like shifting the blame.