let’s gooo

  • mydude@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I’ve read a bit about pinkwashing, I might mash the corporations and people too much together. I will try my best to keep them separate, when I’m talking about them.

    “But I don’t like when people forcefully spread their belief system and their values to others.”

    My quote here, is probably better to use corporations, not people. Sorry.

    “The similarities between sexual freedom and religious freedom is striking…” Your answer being: “This is a false equivalence. My existence as a trans woman is not a belief or a value.”

    I’m not saying they are equal, but the similarities are striking, and might run deeper than at first glance. My quotes from different sub threads:

    “I cannot help but make the comparison to religion, yet again. Even though I’m an atheist or agnostic, not really sure. Religion is different because they are on both the giving and the recieving end of persecution.They use religion as a base for their persecution of other people of a different religion (or sexual identification, sexual attraction, even something as trivial as dress code). Expressions that are clearly protected within the law. Whenever freedom of expression is challenged, there should be huge crowds to support the FoE”

    “I’m not sure how to be more organic than asserting I exist in an internet post.”

    Also from previous, same, sub-thread. “Corporations hammer the message for the same reason they hammer any ad, it works. If ads didn’t work, it wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry. My point is, every corporation hammering the “we are inclusive” message feels inorganic. I might confuse this feeling with it just being “in” or trendy atm.”

    I’m not holding any answers, I just like the discusdion, and it’s even more fun when people have other life experiences than me. Echo chaimers are boring.