Mitchell Bosch had previously run for New York city council and yelled “hold the line!” as the mob fought with officers on Jan. 6, according to the FBI.

A Brooklyn man who had been arrested at anti-vaccine protests at a Burger King, an Applebee’s and a Cheesecake Factory in New York was arrested by federal authorities on Wednesday and charged with assaulting law enforcement officers during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Mitchell Bosch, a 44-year-old who ran for New York City council in 2023, was identified with the help of online “sedition hunters” who have aided the FBI in hundreds of arrests of Jan. 6 suspects. Bosch faces felony charges of civil disorder and assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers, along with misdemeanor charges.

Bosch, according to an FBI affidavit, “can be seen in multiple instances” on video of the riot “opposing the police advance by pushing directly against the officers, assisting other rioters in pushing against officers, and encouraging other rioters to oppose the police.” The government alleges that Bosch yelled “hold the line!” as the mob struggled with officers.

        8 months ago

        Mexican pizza and a party taco pack. Something like that. I don’t go often, so can’t remember the exact names.

        We were hurting at the end and regretting life. But that’s part of the taco bell experience as far as I’m concerned