Well that’s not exactly correct as it can be spread by bedding it just depends how long since the infected person occupied that bedding. If the blankets have not been washed and they’ve been stored out of direct sunlight. The disease is spread by bodily fluids usually most virulent are the sores. However if it’s been greater than 24 hours and the blankets are dry then they should be safe.
If your username is a reference to Fort Pitt, the blankets were likely never used as a bio weapon to begin with. If they had been previously used by people who had smallpox the infection would have been an old one. Speaking of old infections some think it was one of the oldest diseases in human history.
Hit all the right points. We just don’t deserve you Bernie.
Yes we do. And it’s why he’s trying so hard.
I don’t like your blankets anymore. Will you take these back?
I will. Thankfully smallpox isn’t transmitted by blankets, so thanks for the free blankets. :)
Well that’s not exactly correct as it can be spread by bedding it just depends how long since the infected person occupied that bedding. If the blankets have not been washed and they’ve been stored out of direct sunlight. The disease is spread by bodily fluids usually most virulent are the sores. However if it’s been greater than 24 hours and the blankets are dry then they should be safe.
If your username is a reference to Fort Pitt, the blankets were likely never used as a bio weapon to begin with. If they had been previously used by people who had smallpox the infection would have been an old one. Speaking of old infections some think it was one of the oldest diseases in human history.
https://infectioncontrol.ucsfmedicalcenter.org/sites/g/files/tkssra4681/f/wysiwyg/smallpox GUIDELINES.pdf
Indeed. You could find one of the few posts I’ve submitted that says similar info with citations.
I believe you. Happy trails.