I hope those two start taking more young actually left leaning politicians (or even would-be politicians) under their wing and publicly endorsing them.
Too bad the rest of the Democrats can’t hear them with all that money stuffed in their ears.
They can’t. But that just means we demand they go.
I’m sure they’ll all just step down on demand /s
Can’t insider trade if you aren’t inside her…wait what?
They should make their own party with blackjack and hookers. A third party that isn’t sleepwalking like the democrats could actually win in this shitshow
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That’s already happening without a new party. AOC has got some of the thickest skin in DC, she’d be fine.
A new party isn’t going to go anywhere without big established names leaving the Democrats and leading the new one though.
They’d need to start ASAP, though.
Not if it gets started further than a month out from the election and doesn’t mysteriously disappear immediately after
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Lol we don’t need Republicans 2™️
You’ve already got it.
Revenge of the Whigs
(This time everyone has to wear powdered wigs.)
May I also have syphilis?
You can have a little syphilis, as a treat.
Live in the US any longer and it’s going to become a greatest hits album of communicable diseases regardless.
Not sure how you envision this. It’s not a winning strategy to have a third party run for election. The best outcome by far is if AOC is the Democratic presidential candidate in 2028.
You think the DNC would let AOC anywhere near candidacy? They torpedoed Bernie. They seem quite content with their failing platform.
Apparently it’s not a winning strategy to have Democrats run for elections either, so what’s there to lose?
Lincoln was a Whig before a ‘third’ party came along. The calls for a new party aren’t necessarily to form a third party. They are calls to form a party in power.
The Dems need to do a lot of things. I don’t really believe it’s possible.
For one, if they continue to be owned by corporations, then no change will happen.
If We The People don’t actually have a say in party nominees, no change will happen.
If they keep bending over to “cross the aisle”, no change will happen. Stop trying to be the “good guy” and fucking fight for the party platform.
And that platform needs to shift away from the wants of rich liberals. Progressives need a voice.
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Burn every company. Copy.
REI gets a pass
Dems are the establishment, both parties are full of old pieces of shit I think Bernie is the only decent one and he’s promoting stuff that we have in Europe and is basic for a rich western democracy.
Nothing is gonna change unless people start rioting and protesting in the streets like the fucking French do, go set a few precints on fire and the ruling noble class will notice you once you kick a few of their loyal uniformed dogs
We in Europe won’t have that stuff for long if people keep voting these fascists adjacent parties into power.
Fascism might not be the inevitable outcome of decades of ‘the west’s’ brand of neo-liberalism on top of the historical circumstances to which it was applied, but, all things considered, it is hard to imagine an alternative.
Damn, if only someone could have seen this all coming 200 years ago as industrialization started to take off
I have read capital volume one maybe two and a half times. I wonder how close to Pikkety’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century Marx might have written today. I haven’t read Capital in the Twenty-First Century but think it is worth the time and effort it would take to study. I will find the time at some point.
Yeah, who was that guy again? Groucho Marx or something?
It’s easy if you try.
It is easy to post a response containing no information whatsoever.
It isn’t hard to do.
Bernie is kinda as bad as your run off the mill democrat candidate. He’s just more palatable to capture young and progressive vote, but he refused to call the genocide by what it is, and has been a defender of Zionism in the past.
I would love to see AOC and Bernie attempt to bring back the American labor party
This is the answer. Dems are compromised. A new party is needed.
Pick up where Debs left off
The people need to save this country. Yes that means you and me actually going outside. We need to stop expecting systemic change to come from politicians within a two-party system.
But what if it inconveniences me even slightly?
Shit, forgot about that. We had a good run, fellas. Crash it up, and let’s pick a different seed for next run.
But I’m le tired.
Well have a nap…THEN FIRE THE MISSILES!!!
Exactly, the country is what we make it, that’s what a democracy is. If we do nothing, evil will do something.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
Bernie/AOC 2028
AOC/The Squad 2032
Make America decent again
I think you’re going to need to burn the whole system down before you guys can just rely on voting to get out of this mess
D0GE is already doing that part.
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Then separate yourselves from the dems and create your own party. We will follow.
Absolutely. Dems are at an all time low of approval as far as I’m aware. This is the opportune time to make a new one. Enough with the weak responses to a threat that not only throws the US into chaos, but the rest of the world as well.
A party that fights at all would be a good start.
Right? I’d even settle for a party that has the most basic desire to fight at this point.
The Democrats need to dump their old shitty politicians. I would vote for AOC if she decided to run for president.
just make a new one already
What’s wrong with the leftist third parties we already have?
The fact they exist and got us nowhere near a unified working class movement.
They’re all sectarian and pointless. The party that takes us there will be formed by the popular working class movement
The ones that exist solely to split the progressive vote to ensure a loss?
Dems are just a bunch of empty chairs.
Sucks, but it’s also an opportunity. Plenty of space for progressives to move in and take over.
It’s mostly the consultant class morons that suck. Both parties used to be full of consultants until 2010-2015 with the rise of the tea party / trumpism. The GOP kicked most of the consultants to the curb, but the Democrats are still running campaigns like it’s 2008 and the voters give a shit about the color tie the candidate is wearing.
Harris would’ve been a good candidate had she not been market researched to death.
I obviously don’t agree with TDS-having morons that believe that all experts are useless, but expertise should really be evaluated every once in a while. It’s clear to me from my field that professional management and consultants are often goldbricking idiots with impressive resumes and few actual professional accomplishments.
Fuckin A, West Wing. We could only wish to have people in the white house like them. They’re not perfect, but at least they care and they aren’t literally evil.
Yeah. On the other hand, it may have done some damage to the left by portraying a fantasy world where explaining looks like winning… which is, very obviously, not how real-world politics works.
Unfortunately this just isn’t true. It’s not the consultant class that made AOC cry on the floor of the House for not wanting to fund Israel’s iron dome, it was Nancy Pelosi. The whole infrastructure is corrupt with wall street money. It wasn’t the consultant class that disciplined each every squad member into toeing the party line, not coming out guns blazing for progressive candidates and calling for primaries against corporate Dems, it’s the party leadership.
They also suck. I’ll give you that. It’s all things at once: the policy sucks, the leadership sucks, and the messaging sucks. However, the leaders aren’t immune to the ouroboros nature of the consultancy within the Democratic party.
Some of the leaders obviously internalized all of the marketing feedback. By the time Hillary Clinton did her final lap on the stage, she was clearly little more than 30 years of political marketing advice in a pantsuit.
You’re right though, basically everyone involved is a sellout and that’s the real root of the problem.
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Great to see from these two.