• werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Now that everyone is fat and 4 👀👁️👀 eyes, those are not excuses. When I was 18 I was not even close to being fit to serve. I wear glasses and I wasn’t athletic.

    So figure out the way guys! Trump had to take bone spurs! I’m sure you guys can come up with something! After all, how can you serve the Chinese overlords with war wounds right?

    I mean they could take the Israel approach and exterminate us. Sorry too busy with my Ps7 Nintendo switcharoo. I think that if worse comes to worse I rather go than send my kids. I’ve had an okay life and my arthritis is starting to hurt. I think the Republicans are hard at work on preventing access to arthritis medication probably. So maybe I could just do my thing in China. Right? Defend our way of living. I want my kids to enjoy the freedoms I had. So I would fight for that now that I’m old and fucked up. Then the kids can join in later like the ruzzians did. They basically sent all their old men out to the meat grinder. Sounds bad. But if you got arthritis and you know people who had it, you would ask for the biggest grenade you could carry. I’d take that thing like a football right into a Chinese operations building or something. I mean, if they were evil and such according to the fear mongering politicians and if I indeed had my arthritis going uncontrolled. So far it’s just an elbow and a pinky.

    What was the question again? Get off my lawn hooligans!