“Both parties are the same.”
“A vote for Harris is a vote for genocide.”
If you really think Harris would have done anything significant to restrain Israel I envy your optimism. Voters’ only realistic choices for Palestine this election were for furrowed brows or enthusiastic cheerleading, but Israel was getting weapons and political cover for whatever it wanted to do either way.
If you really think Harris would have called for a total ethnic cleansing of Palestine, you paid zero attention to anything she ever said.
How many Palestinians did you ask about who to vote for? Because the Palestinians I talked to before the election were not fans of Harris, but rightfully far more terrified of Trump. I actually go out of my way to talk to Palestinians, and so many people berating me for not caring about genocide or whatever, when I ask them how often they talk to Palestinians, they don’t answer.
Good on you. 🙌
Thank you.
called for
anything she ever said
Like I said, we would have gotten furrowed brows out of Harris, but their wouldn’t have been any substantive action to restrain Israel. I voted for her and wished she would have won for a variety of reasons, but trying to guilt trip people who didn’t over this particular issue is just completely hollow given the choices we actually had here.
Who am I guilt tripping? How am I guilt tripping them? If you feel guilt about Trump getting elected, that’s on you, not me.
Also, I notice you didn’t tell me how many Palestinians you talked to about who they would want as president, so I am going to have to assume it’s zero and you just think you know what’s best for them.
If the Democratic party wanted us to hear Palestinians voices so badly why didn’t we hear any at their convention?
I’m not talking about the Democrats, I’m talking about you.
It’s very obvious that you have never even attempted to talk to a Palestinian. How Great White Savior of you.
And now the conflict is winding down just in time for the new presidency. Both parties have reached an agreement and Trump is now fanning the flames again. It wouldn’t have happened with Harris.
This “Harris wouldn’t have done anything different” is moot.
This whole thread is moot but the top level comment was the exact wrong lesson to learn from recent history imo
Recent history has shown that Harris was the correct choice with the power of 20/20 vision. That is the only takeaway. I’m not sure what you’re arguing.
Sure, it’s sucks that Harris’ inability to campaign and commitments to bad policy put the rest of us in this situation for a bunch of reasons, I’m just saying for Palestine in particular isn’t really one of them because her track record in office and behavior on the campaign trail made it clear she was always going to let Israel do whatever it wanted, so the “look what Israel’s doing now, don’t you protest voters feel silly” arguments just aren’t gonna land with anyone who didn’t already agree with you
I think it’s a bit unfair to criticize her like that considering she entered the race quite late but had pretty good plans all around vs none from the other guy. But that’s not the point.
But, like, don’t you feel silly? This is worse, no? Lol
Considering she stated she would do nothing different than Biden, yes it is another vote for genocide. The only difference offered between the 2 political parties on this issue is, lip service and ‘another month to leave’. To say the dems were seriously offering a different stance here is cope
Trump is literally doing something different than Biden. He literally wants Palestine cleared of Palestinians. Biden never even approached saying something like that.
No one is claiming Biden or Harris would be good for Palestine. This is far, far worse.
Or is this is one of these “what are you going to believe, me or your own eyes” things?
The something different is, trump is not providing lip service and expediting what is already being done. It was gonna happen either way. If you’re kill them torturing with false promises seems just as cruel. Biden just sent another 8billion in arms at the beginning of this month. I mean c’mon
Biden and the democrats supported a two state solution. Trump is going give the West Bank and Gaza to Israel.
Biden’s actions don’t seem to agree with that…
Trump is about to delete Gaza and the West Bank off of the world map. Biden was far from perfect but verbally was never in support of that.
The more I engage with “protest voters” the more I wonder if, for whatever reason, they are actually accelerationists at heart. Which is ethically dubious as their action (or lack thereof) has accelerated a genocide.
Aiding the genocide has accelerated the genocide. No gymnastics to see that
It was gonna happen either way.
Prove it.
Can you prove it wasn’t? c’mon Edit: Jan 4, 2025 Joe Biden sent another 8 billion in arms. He didn’t have to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leahy_Law
That’s not how the burden of proof works. You made the claim, it’s up to you to show it wasn’t a lie.
It’s also a bad faith question to prove someone’s thoughts.
Let me ask you this, what proof would you accept?
Not the person your arguing with.
On Monday, Trump signed an executive order nullifying sanctions targeting dozens of far-right Israeli settlers and organizations accused of violence against Palestinians. The Treasury Department officially terminated these sanctions on Friday, unblocking their US assets and financial access. This action reverses Biden’s February 2024 executive order that had sanctioned Israeli settlers for violent actions in the West Bank, signaling a significant shift in US policy towards Israeli settlements.
In his interview with Time magazine:
Do you still support a two-state solution?
I support whatever solution we can do to get peace. There are other ideas other than two state, but I support whatever, whatever is necessary to get not just peace, a lasting peace. It can’t go on where every five years you end up in tragedy. There are other alternatives.
Today’s headline: Trump says he wants to ‘clean out’ Gaza and move Palestinians to Jordan and Egypt
All in one week. No difference, right?
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Are you seriously calling what Trump wants here “less severe” than genocide?
Also, quibbling about the difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing is fucking sick.
Is forcefully displacing a million people less worse than murdering a million people? Yes. Objectively it is.
It should be obvious that being alive is better than being dead. Again this is not to defend Trump. Ethnic cleansing is a tremendous and outrageous crime.
But genocide is a worse crime, and claiming that voting the genociders over the ethnic cleansers is in any way ethically defensible is absurd.
The only acceptable ethical position is to oppose both and to remove anyone who commits or lets these crimes happen from power. It is a moral imperative to do so, even if other people did not. Anyone who voted for a D or R is ultimately complicit in these crimes too. If the US wasn’t morally bankrupt, people would have voted a third party to power. Any form of compromise with genocide is complicity. Fucking WW2 and Holocaust should have taught as much.
I think you need to do some reading if you think this is somehow some sort of low-death event.
But sure, keep defending your hero. His hero Andrew Jackson is on your side too.
Where did i defend Trump? Also do you think it is an acceptable way to discuss to make such insincere personal attacks?
Why do you think, there is distinct categories? Why do you think genocide is singled out and is not equated with ethnic cleansing, like for instance “racial segregation and apartheid” are put together as one crime?
I understand that people are very emotional about Trump right now, but it is dangerous to use this as an excuse to defend the indefensible positions and crimes committed by the Biden administration. Gaslighting people into defending and supporting the “lesser evil” has been used successfully by the Democratic party to prevent sustained progressive and ethical politics.
Where did you defend Trump? You defended him by suggesting that this “ethnic cleansing” plan of his is not a big deal like genocide is and suggested that it might even be a good thing because it will get Democrats to go against Zionism. Which is really fucking sick.
Again this is not to defend Trump. Ethnic cleansing is a tremendous and outrageous crime.
You know it is possible for two (supposedly) opposed politicians to be bad?
If you don’t accept that two opposed politicians can be bad at the same time, you would in turn defend the genocide as good, as Biden and Harris must be the good guys then. I know you don’t, so it would be nice if you give the same respect to me.
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Christ, you people will justify anything to avoid saying you were wrong.
So explain to me please, where am i wrong?
The main problem seems to be that people think i am wrong with acknowledging that genocide is worse than ethnic cleansing. So please give me some actual arguments why i am wrong in considering genocide worse than ethnic cleansing, which does not mean either to be acceptable.
I have pointed this out repeatedly, but people seem to struggle with the concept that two things can be bad at the same time, with one being worse. But maybe i am wrong in think, that. Maybe there is arguments as to why one thing being bad must mean the other thing to be good. I would love to hear the arguments for that.
The UN considers them related but distinguishes them.
Claiming they are always equated contradicts the UN and other experts categorization.
It’s just splitting hairs. What do you think happens to Palestinians who refuse to leave their homes?
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Ethnic cleansing is a synonym for genocide. You may be under the impression that genocide by modern definitions does not include forced relocation, or that ethnic cleansing necessarily can not include killing. You are wrong. What you probably meant was that forced relocation is a less severe form of genocide than extermination. You didn’t say that though.
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Genocide does not necessarily have to be annihilation. Per definition it is the destruction of a people. This does not have to be accomplished through murder.
The Democrats showed no signs of seriously wanting to end the genocide
The cease fire was literally agreed upon while Biden was still president. It was Biden’s diplomats working to make it happen.
It is the same proposal that was negotiated in Spring already. It only now came moments before Trump took office. What changed between Spring and now? How could Biden exert pressure on Israel as he was leaving office that he couldn’t in Spring already?
The reality is that Biden was unwilling to put any pressure on Israel to agree to any sort of deal and instead kept sending them more and more weapons, no matter how atrocious their crimes. Also Bidens team was eager to emphasize how they worked together with Trumps team in making it happen now.
This was not something Biden achieved or wanted to achieve.
Watching the switch from “I can’t possibly vote for the lesser of two evils” to “ethnic cleansing isn’t as bad as genocide” is morbidly hilarious.
Voting for either is wrong. Vote for a party that wants to commit neither.
If you hate brussel sprouts more than cale, but you hate both of them, the logical choice is to eat neither. Doesnt mean that the one cant be worse than the other.
Or to put it in mathematic terms:
-2 is a negative number. -3 is a smaller negative number. Both are negative numbers. You can acknowledge that -2 is larger than -3 without having to claim either to be a positive number.
And if you are getting either kale or brussel sprouts put in your mouth whether you want either of them or not, it makes sense to choose the one you dislike less.
Nobody forced you to vote D or R
If you hate brussel sprouts more than cale, but you hate both of them, the logical choice is to
So Biden gets no credit for negotiating a ceasefire. For… reasons. But Trump suggesting ethnic cleansing is better because it doesn’t meet your definition of genocide.
What a bunch of disingenuous bullshit.
To be fair most political analysts are giving Trump much of the credit. Biden didn’t bring anything new to the table except for allowing Trump and his envoy to participate.
The envoy set the tone early with Netanyahu, making him break Sabbath to attend their meeting. Netanyahu was not in Trump’s good graces to begin with so some feel that he went forward with the cease-fire as a ‘down payment’
A down payment for what you ask? Well I guess we just found out.
This is genocide. Jesus Christ…
Ah yes, synonym is less severe than synonym.
Very good argument. Very good point.
Yes, both parties doing bad thing makes bad thing okay. Make sense. If my neighbors all decided we can blow up the next block over for reasons, it definitely makes it very cool and very legal for me to help.
This is the dumbest take I’ve ever seen in my life.
If my neighbors all decided we can blow up the next block over for reasons, it definitely makes it very cool and very legal for me to help.
My entire point is that it is not. In your example the Democrats want to blow up the next block over and the Republicans want to beat everyone out of their houses. Both are wrong. The murder is still worse.
Saying that voting for the ones who want to blow things up is somehow justifiable is exactly what you are joking about. You cannot legitimize helping your neighbors who want to blow up the next block over by voting them onto the neighborhood council. But you cannot do the same either for the one who want to beat people up instead of blowing them up.
The only ethical choice was a third party vote and if the majority of people in the US had ethics, they would have done so. As you said yourself, other people voting for genocide or ethnical cleansing does not justify you doing it yousrelf.
But .ml was telling us that Trump would stop the genocide not supercharge it. How can this be? /s
The tankies would never worship and cover for authoritarians!/s
Tbd, it is one way to stop a genocide. Literally the worst one, but it would stop.
Wasn’t it literally plan A for the Nazis?
The Nazis had a few ideas for the “Final Solution” of the Jews. The end goal being get them out of the Reich. They tried to send them to Palestine (then under British control) which is a big part of why were stuck with Israel and its fuckery today. Seriously, there was some cooperation between the Jewish militant groups in Palestine and the Nazis. It is seriously a fucked up situation. But, forcing the Jews out of the country didn’t work very well so the Nazis started rounding up and killing them.
Seriously, there was some cooperation between the Jewish militant groups in Palestine and the Nazis.
Guess who was in a Jewish militant group in British-occupied Palestine?
Netanyahu’s parents. They changed their name from something Polish to the much more semitic Netanyahu and emigrated in Palestine in the 1920s with the express idea of creating a Jewish state.
Netanyahu and his family did not suffer from the Holocaust, they benefited from it.
Ugh. I knew they were an old family, just didn’t know it was that bad.
Far too few people know and I don’t blame them or you for not knowing because it’s in Netanyahu’s interest to make people think he’s also a victim and the ever-compliant media plays along.
The only reason I even know is that one day I decided to look up his family and see what happened to them during WWII. So if I hadn’t, sort of on a whim, taken the initiative to look it up, I would be as in the dark about it as most people.
And I wish there were a way for me to let people know beyond “talk about it on internet forums,” but I don’t have that sort of influence.
It’s not even a widely known fact amongst Jews. For the record, I was raised Jewish (don’t really practice, not a big organized religion fan anyways) and I went on birthright back in January '20. Nothing was ever mentioned about the Netanyahu history aside from some stuff about his brother, who is widely regarded over there as a war hero. I know there’s a bit of controversy over his death but not sure on details. I should really go research that.
Hmmm, but certainly this time it’ll work.
In mitigation, much of that “cooperation” was in convincing (bribing) Nazis to send Jews to Israel rather than murdering them.
And it’s worth keeping in mind that there were many Zionist groups operating in Palestine at the time, ranging from inclusive socialist idealists to full-scale ethno-religious chauvinists committing acts of terror against the British and the Palestinians.
Iirc, they also sent them into a bunch of countries in a lot of the EU, which worked alright…until they started occupying most of the EU countries then they went into “the final solution”
Thank you, yes. By the time they settled on concentration camps, the Nazis where on like the Final Final Final Solution
Actually, concentration camps came very early. And the Nazis were very open about these concentration camps, because they figured they would serve as a deterrent. However, they weren’t initially used to house Jewish people, but mostly for political opponents, like socialists. Later came the intellectuals, journalists, teachers, scientists, etc. And of course other undesirables like gay people.
Extermination camps, however, were a relatively late addition. And they were kept secret. The systemic extermination of Jewish people began after the Wannsee Conference in 1942, where Nazi leadership discussed the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem. Under Operation Reinhard they started building the six extermination camps:
- Chełmno
- Bełżec
- Sobibór
- Treblinka
- Auschwitz II-Birkenau (Auschwitz I was an existing concentration camp, Auschwitz II was built a few kilometers away from the main camp)
- Majdanek (Majdanek was converted into an extermination camp. It started as a concentration camp mostly for POWs).
The first 4 camps were built specifically and solely to kill people.
Aside from smaller efforts to deport Jewish people to a bunch of different countries, they also came up with what is basically the first ‘Final Solution’ - one of deportation, not extermination: The Madagascar Plan.
They were going to round up and sent all the Jewish people to Madagascar. But well, they failed to defeat the British and when they realized that an invasion of GB was pretty much impossible, they kind of gave up on it.
A lot of people associate Nazis with extermination camps (which, well obviously it’s true), but extermination was never Plan A for Nazis. They never cared if Jewish people died, but initially they just wanted to get rid of undesirables/Jewish people, not necessarily kill them all. The industrialized genocide came much later, more out of desperation and a need for efficiency than anything else.
This just to say that bullshit arguments like “he’s not a fascist/Nazi because he’s not gassing people” are exactly that: bullshit arguments. Nazis were Nazis long before the first extermination camp was built.
No, fucking stop. Ethnic cleansing is genocide. Period.
Or was the Naqba not genocidal?
I think he’s implying that once you complete your genocide it kind of comes to a natural end. It’s the worst way to end genocide because you killed everyone.
Ethnic cleansing is a step below genocide. The Democrats went for genocide. So far Trump only wants ethnic cleansing. Also his argument for ethnic cleansing is the destruction that the Democrats caused during the genocide.
This is not defend Trump. It is to remember that the Democrats are as equally part of the oligarchy and criminal empire as the Republicans. No positive change can come out of the current Democratic party. It needs to be reformed from the bottom up, or replaced by an actually progressive party.
Go read the actual definition of genocide and then come back.
It is distinct crimes. Forcefully displacing people from an area is not the same as annihilating people. And i am amazed that this is something you want to dispute.
Ethnic cleansing is a step below genocide. There is a possibility that ethnic cleansing escalates to genocide, as has been seen many times in history, but equating the two is like equating murder (genocide) and abduction (ethnic cleansing)Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.Ethnic Cleansing Background
Ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law. The term surfaced in the context of the 1990’s conflict in the former Yugoslavia and is considered to come from a literal translation of the Serbo-Croatian expression “etničko čišćenje”. However, the precise roots of the term or who started using it and why are still uncertain.
The expression “ethnic cleansing” has been used in resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, and has been acknowledged in judgments and indictments of the ICTY, although it did not constitute one of the counts for prosecution. A definition was never provided. Definition
As ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law, there is no precise definition of this concept or the exact acts to be qualified as ethnic cleansing. A United Nations Commission of Experts mandated to look into violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia defined ethnic cleansing in its interim report S/25274 as “… rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area.” In its final report S/1994/674, the same Commission described ethnic cleansing as “… a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.”
The Commission of Experts also stated that the coercive practices used to remove the civilian population can include: murder, torture, arbitrary arrest and detention, extrajudicial executions, rape and sexual assaults, severe physical injury to civilians, confinement of civilian population in ghetto areas, forcible removal, displacement and deportation of civilian population, deliberate military attacks or threats of attacks on civilians and civilian areas, use of civilians as human shields, destruction of property, robbery of personal property, attacks on hospitals, medical personnel, and locations with the Red Cross/Red Crescent emblem, among others.
The Commission of Experts added that these practices can “… constitute crimes against humanity and can be assimilated to specific war crimes. Furthermore, such acts could also fall within the meaning of the Genocide Convention.”
Did you even read what you posted?
Ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law.
First fucking sentence under the heading “Ethnic Cleansing Background:”
Ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law.
That’s a copy paste from your own post, you fucking ghoul. Ethnic cleansing IS genocide, and all your mental gymnastics won’t change that fact.
If Palestinians felt that being displaced from their homes was acceptable, they would have left a long time ago.
This is not an improvement. This is Israel’s ‘final solution’ coming to fruition. Those that allowed Trump to be elected are complicit.
Good job with your protest votes! You sure helped those Gazans!
We sure taught the DNC a lesson!
The DNC sucks bigtime but at least Harris had a heart.
Maybe next time, you democrats could get off your fucking asses and actually be useful to the nation, eh?
Let’s examine this for a moment:
Maybe next time, you democrats could get off your fucking asses and actually be useful to the nation, eh?
“You democrats” indicate that you might be a protest voter, suggesting that people who actually cared enough to protect others by standing in the way of a fascist tyrant should get off their asses and be useful….
It should go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway- the hypocrisy in your statement is so profound, it should be a solid object.
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If you have anything to add to your shining example of what it looks like when one can’t be mature enough to disagree with people without resorting to schoolyard insults, I’d love to see it.
Please… do continue.
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What are you talking about? I voted for Harris the moment I was able to. Pick a lane and stick with it because, I think you have some lines crossed here. Maybe take a step back and focus?
Also… “racist?”
Where in the hell did you pull that from? I’d LOVE to know.
You’re indistinguishable from a nazi but you will never internalize why.
I like asking people like this what they specifically are doing about the genocide since I spend hours a week on email and phone campaigns but still agree with people like jeffw up there.
Somehow, none of them ever tell me what they do. Probably because what they do is berate others on the internet and that’s as far as it goes.
Hell most aren’t even real people. Where’s that Linkerbaan asshole that was help running the genocide Joe train here? Haven’t seen him in a while, curious
He got an instance ban thankfully.
I quit lurking and finally signed up just to start pushing back against Linkerbaan. When i found out he got banned, it was a good day.
You’re in agreement with those berating others for doing what is within their very limited power in a “democracy” where leaders oppose the will of 80% of their base, meanwhile, you zero-in on what few voters dared to not vote for business as usual despite the democractic party having historically low support of around 30%. Your campaigning for the democrats does more harm than good at this stage and history will not be kind enough to distinguish between the two parties. What the Trump regime is enacting today is an extension of existing US policy that democrats have participated in normalizing including immigration and foreign policy only directed inwards with the veneer stripped away.
No. No I am not. There is a hell of a lot more they can do.
As I have already said, I spend 4-5 hours a week contacting politicians on behalf of JVP.
What do you do? Have you sent even one form letter? Made one phone call? Shown up to one office? When was the last time you had a one-on-one conversation with a Palestinian about their wishes and needs?
Also, I never campaigned for anyone, so I have no idea why you’re lying.
You literally stated you were campaigning in context of not supporting third parties so maybe clarify more in the future. I’m Lebanese and was in vicinity of bombing not too long ago. Again, I’m not saying to not participate in polticial life but to participate productively and not against the interest of people domestically and abroad which is what the Democrats clearly represent (and of course the Republicans are an even bigger enemy of humanity but that goes without saying) of at this stage for anyone with genuine convictions looking beyond rhetoric. Harm reduction did not work in 2016, 2020 or 2024 and will not work moving forward unless you seek alternative parties/independents.
Where did I say that? Please quote me.
Because, again, I never campaigned for anyone.
I have no idea why you are continuing to maintain this silly lie.
They didn’t even have the decency to vote third party
Must be all those sending my heart gestures and roman salutes I do on a daily basis because I’m autistic and awkward.
Weird, I’ve never seen a person directly address themselves in a Lemmy comment like this… I can appreciate that you’ve recognized your errors though.
And there we go, exactly as expected because trump literally said he would do this.
To all those “genocide Joe” assholes who thought that somehow not getting Harris elected would be a good thing: you’ve just murdered millions.
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We are sending more bombs, pay attention. The genocide a bunch of clowns were pretending to fret about is about to kick into overdrive.
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This reminds me of those people confusing the AI memes. (Not that AI is required for that. Any backflips that fail to reconcile basic logic will do.)
Oh yeah, you’re right.
Now that trump is president, Israel retreated out of Gaza and immediately stopped bombing the crap out of those civilians and trump pushed to make Palestine a recognized state!
You were so right and I was so wrong, how could I not have seen this coming?
Oh so this is why Egypt is still getting foreign aid.
Curiously not Jordan though
“Clean out”, “cleansing”, same difference.
Well yeah. How else is Jared gonna make a killing?
Playing Slenderman at Halloween?
I think this is a sensible plan. Next after Gaza, Ukrainians should be resettled in Poland, and then Americans in Europe.
Ben-Gvir and Smotrich in heaven now.
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Several million Democrats, mostly minorities, were purged from voter rolls or were never counted.
No they weren’t. This is some Blueanon shit
Yes, they were. Even if you think one of the world’s leading investigative journalists, cybersecurity experts, and Rev Jesse Jackson are all conspiracy nuts, the data is clear.
So stfu.
“Just use a rake.”
-Trump, allegedly
The protests worked…in mysterious ways.